Awakening, a Terrifying Strike

Just as Jiang Chengxuan and his companions were locked in a fierce battle with the Immortal Corpse Fuser, an ominous figure stood within the ruins of the Demonic sect's former territory in the Floodgate Realm.

Around this figure, the space trembled with an eerie resonance, as if the realm itself was rejecting his presence. This figure was none other than the Demon Immortal.

Compared to his last appearance, the Demon Immortal had now almost fully materialized, becoming a solid entity.

"Kehehe! This old nemesis should keep you entertained," he chuckled darkly, gazing at the distant sky.

Moments ago, he had used the techniques of the Immortal Corpse Fuser to refine Daolord Skeleton and others, sending them to the battlefield.

"Since your forces are heading to the East Sea, I won't be holding back," he muttered to himself, strolling through the ruins, bathed in the shadow of the black sun.