Unyielding Spirit, Fighting to the Death

Just when despair had gripped everyone's hearts, Jiang Chengxuan's resolute voice cut through the darkness, resonating deeply within each of them.

"We can slay the false immortals. So why can't we defeat a true Demon Immortal?"

"Everyone, for the sake of all beings, for the Floodgate Realm, we must not give up. We must fight to the death!"

Jiang Chengxuan's impassioned words were like a battle horn, igniting the fighting spirit within the group. Yes, they thought, why should they fear the true spirit of a Demon Immortal? Couldn't the combined strength of the entire Floodgate Realm challenge it?

This was their homeland. Here, everything existing was a part of their strength.

In the next moment, everyone stood up from the ruins, casting aside all hesitation and fear. They had no retreat left; to live, they had to fight to the death.