
Chapter 34

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ardala drop to her knees and bow her head to Marcus and before he could ask her what was going on she opened her mouth. “My Lord,” was all she said, but Marcus’ eyes darkened before he looked at Vajra.

“Can I come in or would you prefer I stood out here and froze my ass off?” He tried for his normal good humor but couldn’t take his eyes off Ardala. “Get up, little one, you’re blocking the way.”

“I’m sorry, get in here.” Vajra stood back and watched Ardala climb shakily to her feet as he waved Marcus inside and closed the door. “Ok, what’s this all about?”

“I cannot tell you his court, but that is a fae lord.” Ardala said, pressing herself against the wall of the hallway and very carefully not looking at Marcus. “Forgive my presence, Lord of the Fae, I was just leaving.”

She whirled and opened the door and was halfway out and into the snow when Marcus’ voice snapped out like a whip. “Remain.”