Vajra’s heart was in his throat, he’d sent her the letter like his uncle had wanted but she hadn’t responded, and it had been two days. Aarav had told him that since she was High Princess that she had a lot of duties and might not be able to get to him for a while. He’d tried to bury himself in Aarav’s lessons about controlling his magic, tried to distract himself from thinking about her. It mostly went alright, at least in the daytime he could think about other things and Aarav drove him hard in his lessons until he was worn out and tired but invariably when he went to his bed in the townhouse, he shared with his uncle all he could think about how much he wanted to hold her. The bond had faded, the silver-gold shine of it wasn’t there and it hadn’t been since he’d woken up with the worst headache of his life.