Chapter 23

Carina was afraid and only hoped that it didn’t show. There were perhaps three hundred humans in this room and they were all looking at her as though she were a particularly fascinating insect. None of them had spoken since she had introduced herself and she had expected to be immediately deluged with shouted questions. Finally one of the humans rose and the one they called Speaker nodded to them.

“The chair recognizes the honorable councilor for the seventh circle.” The man said with relief. “You may ask your question.”

“I have two if it pleases the council.” The woman adjusted her bright outfit and sent Carina a reassuring smile, or at least she hoped that it was meant to be reassuring. “First: how many are you requesting clemency for. Second: what are your pronouns? I don’t want to be insulting when I address you.”

“There are a thousand of us left.” Carina bowed to the woman. “I present as female but the translation spell will convey your meaning, not simply your words.”