Chapter 26

Carina nodded, “Our hourglass has two weeks of sand in it and after that we will die.” There was no sense in padding the response to make it more palatable. The thing was truth and she would have it faced head on. “If my life is required for my people to survive then I offer it gladly. We must hope that the Council has mercy on our plight and grants us sanctuary.”

The press went silent after that and Ishaan stepped to the amplification device and thanked the press for coming and for their time before turning to her and guiding them out of the building and into the car where Carina let her serenity go and sat blank and drained utterly. She didn’t even have the energy to ask Ishaan’s opinion of where they stood. Her mind desperately needed to be blank and she allowed it. There was more to come tomorrow and she needed whatever recovery she could pull together in that time. She had to keep moving forward. For the sake of her people she couldn’t fail or falter.