Chapter 39

“Very well,” Carina’s heart leaped into her throat. “If you will come with me?” She rose and gestured to Stefan. “The rest of my guards will remain, I only require my Protector.”

The other guards stiffened but turned their eyes on the delegation and Carina saw their hands tighten on their weapons. Stefan stepped to her side and offered her an arm. “My Soul.” She could see the disapproval in the other man’s eyes but nodded and laid a hand on his arm.

She led the councilor to one of the side rooms off the main hall and gestured her into a seat. “I will have refreshment brought and you may give your message.”

The councilor laid the greenery and a strange small tube on the table. “He sent you flowers and an apology message, he doesn’t expect that you will forgive him easily but he is very sorry.”

“His apology means nothing against the pain of my Soul.” Stefan growled from the corner. “He is not forgiven by the Legs and his actions are condemned by the Body.”