Chapter 20

At least until something touched her head, from the inside. Like a stroke or a light touch and it shocked her out of that weird, relaxed state and back into awake mode. Gladys was gone and in her place was a beautiful, elegant, otherworldly woman holding one hand over the top of her head and the other lightly on her wrist.

Siana jumped away, dislodging the woman’s hands. “What the hell? Who are you, where’d Gladys go?”

The woman on the couch next to her looked incredibly startled, almost on the edge of fear and that push and pull was back again. “Sleep,” the word was a soft order and Siana felt it try to lock around her mind, trying to push her back into sleep.

“No!” Siana shook it off, like pulling a cobweb out of her hair. “What the hell is going on.”

The woman looked even more startled and got up off the sofa. “Child, forget what you have seen.”