Chapter 21

Siana looked at Urien who just looked back with that serene smile on his face. “Ok, I’m going to be clear here. I’m really confused and really freaked out so if you could stop smiling and start talking, I’d appreciate it.”

Urien sat down on the other end of the sofa. “I think I’ll begin with introductions if you don’t object.” He gestured to Rana. “Rana is our Dryad, she followed you through the forest the night you arrived. Naerin is Mer, he has been your staunch protector since you arrived. Gladys and I are both elder fae and are the heads of the Council. Maria would be here as the fifth member of the council but as you can imagine she’s a little busy with the pack tonight.

“Pack?” Siana said, eyes darting between Urien and the fins on the side of Naerin’s head. He was still blue, no matter how many times she blinked. “Pack of what?”

“Lycans of course, deary.” Gladys said as if it made all the sense in the world. “The whole pack is here tonight for the wedding.”