Chapter 23

If magic existed, then it stood to reason that there were different types, which meant that the seven circles were probably real and if they were real then Winter Haven was probably some sort of center point for them. If that was the case, then what did that mean for her? Siana held up one palm, brushing it against her pants to get rid of the sand. Gladys and Urien had both implied that she had some sort of magic, and what if that was true?

She sat up straighter, ignoring the post panic attack aching in her muscles and shut her eyes. Her therapist had taught her meditation techniques to deal with her anxiety so she’d start with a little meditation and see if she could feel anything. So she planted her palms back on the sand and thought about pulling her awareness to a single point that focused around her lungs and then spooled out and down through her body and then out through her palms.