Chapter 45

Siana stood up, brushing imaginary dirt off her butt and faced the dragon. “There’s something you aren’t telling me, something I need to know in order to make my decision. Also, do you know where Gladys and Urien are? I haven’t seen them in days.”

“I sent the elder fae back to their home plane for a time so that they would not pressure your choice.” Pryderin smiled at her but there was a tightness around the edges of it. “However well meant they would be, the decision must be yours.”

“Thanks,” Siana tilted her head at the dragon and sighed. “I saw you evade my other question. I need to know, Pryderin. If you want me to stay and be the Balance, I need to know the other side of it too.”

Pryderin thought for a moment and then motioned her to come with him. “I have mentioned the forces that wish to pull Winter Haven out of step, yes?”

Siana nodded and waited, silence was usually the best way to get someone to talk if they had anything to say.