Chapter 48

How long had it been since anyone had said that to her? How long had it been since she was the one being taken care of? Siana gave in, relaxed, and cried into Naerin as he held her. It had been so long that she was crying about things that had happened to her forever ago, things that she’d never allowed herself to feel or process. By the time she managed to stop the flood, her eyes and nose hurt, and her throat was so dried out that she couldn’t manage words. Still, Naerin didn’t move, he just held her and swayed, seemingly content to hold her until she calmed all the way.

“Are you hungry?” He asked, dropping his arms immediately when she moved back. “I have a fish stew cooking at my cabin if you would like to join me? We can finish our discussion there.”

Her brain screamed at her that it was a bad idea, but she nodded and tried to smile. “Ok, friend date. I’m pretty hungry.”