Chapter 49

Naerin rounded the corner and stopped, pressing his fingers to his lips. He’d kissed her, he’d kissed her, and she’d been soft and sweet, and his heart was doing terrible things in his chest. He knew he was bright purple, and he hoped that there was no one around that wanted to talk to him right now since he didn’t know how adept he was going to be at forming words.

And because he didn’t want to talk to anyone it fell that there was immediately one of the court in front of him. She was willowy and lithe, not one of the warriors which meant that she’d come from his mother. He didn’t recognize her at all, but she curtsied to him and blushed a light purple herself. “Greetings Highness, my name is Mera and I come at the bidding of her majesty.”

“Hello, Mera, are you the only observer we must contend with?” Naerin made himself drop his hand and forget about the lingering feeling of her lips on his. “Or has my mother sent two as Naessa advised?”