Chapter 56

Siana was exhausted by the time she poked her head above water. It was late, she’d been swimming all day and she wasn’t entirely certain she wasn’t just going to sleep on the beach. First though she had to make sure that Naerin was as ok as he was going to be in this scenario. So, she stood up in the water, breathing difficulty setting in right away. Naerin raised a slow hand to her as she tipped her head to one side. The flow of magic was warm this time and her neck burned then itched like crazy.

When Naerin dropped his hand and her breathing normalized he helped her step out of the surf and gestured to her midsection. It was a strange sensation as the water that drenched her clothes was pulled away from her and formed an orb in Naerin’s hand. She half expected it to pulse like everything else had today but Naerin just dropped it back into the surf before doing the same with his own clothes.