“Just sleep here, Siana.” Naerin said and it was right about then that she realized her brain to mouth filter had failed and she was talking out loud. “If you do not mind, my bed is large enough for us both.
Great, fake dating and there was only one bed. When had her life become trope bingo? “Are you sure, Naerin? I don’t want to impose on you.”
“It is fine.” Naerin stood and held out a hand for her bowl. “As I have said, my bed is sufficiently large, and you do not need to sleep on the beach.”
“Ok, thanks.” She handed her bowl over and tried to shake off the trepidation about sharing a bed with another person. She needed to get over herself, Naerin was doing her a favor, that was all. Just sharing a bed with a friend. “Did you want me to get the dishes? You cooked; you shouldn’t have to do both.”