“I’m glad I could reassure you at least a little.” Siana said as Naerin swam back, hands empty. “Are you ok, Naerin?”
“The quora lies in the hands of the priests.” He looked at his mother and then back to Siana. “I am no better and no worse, but I thank you for your concern.”
“Let me know if there’s anything I can do.” Siana fell silent as the queen and Naerin started talking about the events of the court and the happenings on land. Siana just stayed quiet, she was here for Naerin, but it didn’t seem like he needed her right now and just standing there felt incredibly awkward. Siana started looking down at the marble beneath her feet, tracing the winding, word like patterns with her eyes and wondering what the guard had meant by them rising in chains. Looking at the wider pattern, it sort of wound around, a bit like a flat maze but as Siana watched she realized that the pattern was shifting.