They swam above the roads and Siana caught the half confused, half intrigued looks being directed at her by the guards. She tried to smile at one of the younger looking ones, but she blushed dark purple and looked away. Siana sighed silently and went back to swimming at Naerin’s side. More sidelong looks came her way but whenever she tried to look at the person looking at her, they just looked away wordlessly so she stopped trying to engage and just swam.
The grass in the lanes ended abruptly, giving way to something that looked like gold veined marble and the surroundings had gone from those low, rounded buildings to towering, well, towers. They were all connected by bridges and there was a low hum in the air (water?) that almost itched in Siana’s ears.
Naerin looked over at her and nodded. “We pass the college of magi, that is the feeling you are experiencing. The palace district lays beyond, we are nearly there.”