The night got colder and colder each second. The warm embrace and air that hovered around moments ago was gone... Hopefully not forever. It was after me of course, I had killed one of its own but Gabby was to join me in my grave for just being there. The injustice. Several of my own have been killed and we never hunted them and then one of theirs get killed and they ambush me. I was furious.

The Neo Enigma that came after me obviously looked like an assassin. His head was made of mist that had a long tail that bellowed in the windy. It had long arm that had long blades at the end, looked more like a scythe than a limb, no wonder my arm was that easy to discard. He was blue like the others just darker. He was extremely tall. This one didn't look as scary as the others but obviously was dangerous. The wound was not healing? Timoria won't lend me power? I thought as I looked at my lifeless arm that lay there next to Gabby. She was shocked and confused.

'Gabby! Ruuuun!!'

As she stood to flee, I felt a fish of wind pass me bye. All I saw go along with it was a mist of black. The Neo Enigma that stood before me was gone. Turning around, I saw him standing before the frozen Gabby. He had blocked off her path. She fell on her ass and wet herself. She was crying but mad no sound.

' Timoria! I agree to your terms just save her!!', I screamed as I began running to Gabby's rescue.

' The boy refused my request

And ventured if on his quest,

Now he kneels in plea

But I just watch and see,

To know the outcome

For whose soul will come undone'. Timoria rhymed but lent no power.

Gabby turned around slowly and looked at me, eyes teary, nose running and face dripping wet, ''.

Her head was sent flying. My eyes widened and pupils shrunk as her blood splatter on my face. The lively Gabby had become the Headless Gabby. Her body gave up to gravity and fell on the ground, lifeless and disfigured. Her blood still gushed out from her neck. I looked over, as I knelt in defeat, at her lifeless head on the floor. Her pupils were looking to the endless abyss of the night sky, tongue stick out and skin pale. The sweat and tears that were there a moment ago were almost gone. Who was this? This wasn't the Gabby. Not the Gabby I knew. I crawled over to where her head lay with my one arm and picked it up. I wrapped my body around it as I began to cry. Why? Why her? This wasn't right. I shouldn't have gone into the forest. I shouldn't have been so selfish. This is all my fault.

The assassin slowly made its way towards me till it's shadow covered me completely. He was ready to get the job done. What a business man. The thought of it sent me off. I was enraged. The tears ceased and I had but only one desire. REVENGE! I wanted to destroy this mother fucker.

'Now that's the power I seek

I will lend you what you need.

If you let me but peek

I'll sow this seed;

Seed of vengeance,

And then we shall all dance

To death's cold tune

Round the bonfires nude', Timoria proclaimed.

My right arm which had been cut off began to regenerate. I gave up hold of the body I had possessed my entire life. It felt peaceful. I was still conscious and in control but I want the captain, I was just a sword carrier. I was the fuel. Timoria could handle everything else. As we began our fusion the assassin sensed danger and stepped back a few steps. The crimson shadow encapsulated me and my skin ripped apart as my body morphed into that of a beast. I was become Timoria. As I broke out of my cocoon I saw that the assassin wasn't as intimidating as he looked seconds ago. We were equally matched. Now it was time for Revenge for all my fallen comrades. For those that I knew of and those before me. All of them. For all of mankind.

'You show your true self, at last', the assassin teased.

I didn't care. I had ambushed him immediately. He reacted late; I had cut him diagonally across his chest. He was perplexed as he stared at his bleeding chest. I'm guessing he had never been cut before.

'Since my immaculate birth from the great Brahma, I have been cut once by only one... Who are you, little bird?'

The great what? I didn't care. All I needed at that moment was his head, if he had one. Then only can my rage be controlled.

We continued our attacks for a while, crossing blades but making no direct hit. I was not scared after all the one doing the duel was Timoria. There were clashing of swrods and dodging of blades on repeat for a while.

Timoria swung his sword aiming to cut down his legs and as the assassin jumped up in the air in an attempt to dodge that was were he made the mistake. Timoria let go of the blade and through the crimson shadows a hand was born. He punched the assassin in his core, the impact was divine. The sound was like a thunderous roar and in an instant the forest had a huge gape in it. The assassin was miles into the forest laying semi lifeless on a pile of fallen trees. We began making our way towards him. As we walked the scent burnt grass, barks and leaves filled the air.

'The impact was that powerful?', I wondered.

The champion who had killed an innocent kid moments ago and probably many before her lay helpless, a huge bleeding injury on his abdomen. I liked the way a scampered and crawled back with the little strength he had left as we approached. He was full of himself. He felt like the life of his targets was his to claim and thus undermined us. He was not a real warrior or hero, he had never faced death properly before and therefore never knew my best friend and steady companion; FEAR!

However, my dear assassin, I was here to introduce you to his Warm Winter Embrace. He's your only companion when all things including hope has forsaken you.

He swung his blades at us, his last but futile attempt. His blade hands, however, were mailed to the dirt of the ground. His bluish fluid gushed out his arms as he screamed with butter agony. I was joyous. That finally had a taste of our lives. I enjoyed this sadistic event but I wasn't planning on wasting my time here; I had other business to attend to.

'Ple... Please I'll spare you're life just don... Pleas... Please!', he pleaded. What a coward. A disgrace. An abomination of the highest order. I was disgusted.

'Do not spite me

For I can't let you be

Your head was my end of the bargain

For you have caused him severe pain', Timoria responded wisely.

We stabbed him right through his core and as he screamed, he began crumbling and cracking. Slowly but steadily his lovely body had turned to dust being carried away by the wind of the cold night. I had my vengeance. I had it at last for all my fallen brethren... So why was the night still so very cold?