I filled the pit with sand; lifeless. I was like a moving puppet; without soul or purpose. I was dead on the inside. I knelt down after having filled out the pit and stared into the dark abyss of nothingness. I could see clearly but all I saw was darkness. I knew I had blood in my veins and organs but I felt hollow and empty. I knew I was surrounded by trees and rocks but it seemed to me like I was floating in a dark sea of blackness. I didn't know what was real and what wasn't. I felt like there was no such thing as time but just a void of nothingness that never seemed to finish. My insides were colder than the night.

I didn't cry anymore; I couldn't. I just sat down freezing in the night as I lay at the grave I had prepared for the innocent Gabby. She didn't deserve this. None of them -- us did.

'Hope thou don't misdirect thine anger

I did what was needed

Thou need to chase what thou art after

Thine enemy head', the clever Timoria spoke. I wasn't mad at him nor did I blame him. I had made a choice not to trust him and now I was to deal with the consequences... Alone; as usual. They say the longer you have to go through something, the better you get at handling it but I've never gotten better at handling this loneliness and emptiness that is my existence, rather as times passes bye I've gotten worse. Way worse.

I spent the entire night standing in the cold. As the sun rose the next day, I felt its warm rays make contact with my frozen cheeks, I looked at it; it was beautiful. Why couldn't we go on like the sun; not bothered by death or life, wrong or right, good or bad? The warm sunlight had covered me in minutes but I still felt cold. On the inside, that is.

' Jett!' , Ravi called out to me as he ran. He seemed optimistic until he approached me. Looking at my forlorn expression and the silence that roamed around, his smile faded slowly. He slowed walked towards me shifting his gaze fro me to the grave the I stood before. He still had a look of disbelief till he saw the blood spills on the ground and the ball Gabby was playing with covered in blood. His legs failed him; he fell on his knees. It took him a few moments to come to terms with the facts that lay before him. As soon as he did he broke down in tears, sobbing like a little child; screaming and crying simultaneously. He was still human, at least he could cry unlike some people.

' If I wasn't such a coward then... Then', he sobbed.

'Please don't even start that', I said still looking into the dark abyss only my eyes could see. ' This was inevitable and no one's fault.'

He slowly gazed up at me, brows furrowed and veins popping as his hands grabbed some sand that lay at his knees. He was angry; but anger with no power was just a childish tantrum. I knew this better than anyone.

'Where is the beast?'

I kept silent for a while before replying. 'Do you think I'd be standing here if he was still alive?'

' I know that', he said as he stood up and dusted his knees. 'I'm asking how you killed'.

'The boy is clever,

Won't thou say?

But respond with a "never"

And walk away'.

I heeded Timoria's brilliant advice. I looked at him, my face barely visible. It was hiding behind my hair that curtained it. I walked passed him and headed for destination home.

He followed me asking, 'Something isn't right is it, Jett?'. He was persistent, following me as I walked home. As we walked on the streets the usual stares were there. It was a sunny day after all.

'Won't you inform her parents? They need to know.'

'The same way Cindy's parents needed to know right?', I asked sarcastically. ' If you wanna go and be the Saint; that's your business but I ain't gonna do no such no more'.

' Really what happened out there?', he asked hopelessly, giving me those cute eyes and sweet but victimised tone of his. He was trying to guilt trip me. Smart but wrong target. I couldn't be guilt tripped. You can't make the devil feel guilty no matter how hard you try.

' This one is sly

Pay no heed to his cry'.

'For fuck's sake I know!', I blurted responding to Timoria.

'What?!', Ravi asked, one brow raised and face confused.

'Nah; wasn't talking to you'. I was loosing it for sure. 'Look... All that matters is that I killed the Neo Enigma. So dear sir of you're do e with your questions I'll be taking my leave now'.

'How can you be so heartless?', he asked as fake tears, as I call them, rolled down his cheeks. He was trying to guilt trip me once more. How disgusting.

I went home and sat on my bed thinking about my life. I wasn't sure anymore what life was because what I was living wasn't life but I had been taught that I'm alive. I felt like a walking corpse possessd by a beast, I wasn't alone in this vessel. I held a few strands of my hair and pulled on them as I thought. As I let them go they bounce back up and then I began to pull them again.

'Do not be dismayed,

Hear me out I pray.

The price has been paid;

The life of that thou had slay.'

'Can you stop with the rhymes, like seriously man'. I was really getting irritated by all his rhymes. 'You spoke normally the first time so why now?'.

' I was merely drousy from my sleep,

So don't be deceived.

The way I speak I shalt keep,

So don't be peeved'

I rolled my eyes. He was really annoying and I hoped he was just a figment of my imagination... Unfortunately... He wasn't!

'There is more to this than thou seeth

I sensed it from my birth

This is no ordinary story

If we heed not we'll end up sorry'.

'What do you mean?', I asked confused.

'We need to lurk around more,

In the woods I mean.

Get to this mystery's core

And unravel the hidden scene'.

He made some sense we need to go to the source to find out the truth. We needed to go searching for answers.

'When do we set off?'.

' When the sun's rays fade away,

And the birds set in their nests,

When the kids no longer play,

And return home to rest.

We go at the end of day'.

You could have just said that from the start for goodness sake.

'Fine'. I lay in bed all day pondering on my life; waiting for the end of day.

'What did you say happened?', the furious Perifronisi inquired. He had heard of the outcome of my brawl and was not satisfied. They, the Neo Enigma, held a meeting to deal with their current situation at hand...