Chapter 27 The Lost And Found Part 2

Chapter 27 The Lost And Found Part 2

  I thought at first he was weird, and yes, he was. But as I got to know him, I realized that he was just different in a good way. He treated everyone with kindness and respect, which was rare in our school. But what really stood out to me was how he treated me. He didn't treat me like an outcast like my other classmates did. Instead, he saw me for who I was and accepted me as such.

  I'll never forget the day I was falsely accused of stealing a classmate's phone. It was just before P.E. my classmate claimed she had left her phone in her bag, accusing me of being the only one left during the activity. I had stayed behind because no one wanted me to participate in the activities or be their partner, so I thought it was best to be alone.

  Despite my protests of innocence, my classmates and even our teacher quickly believed the accusations. I searched my bag to show them I didn't have the phone, but to my surprise, it was there. I had no idea how it got there, and my classmates were giggling, making me believe they had planted it on me while I was in the bathroom.

  I let my guard down, and I  was sure that no matter what I said, no one would believe me. And in that moment, I felt like giving up and confessing to something I didn't do. But then Harry stepped in.

  Just when I thought all was lost, Harry came to my rescue. He stood before me, using his body as a shield against the approaching classmates. One hand was raised in a stop gesture, while the other was held out behind him, beckoning me to give him the phone. I hesitated, unsure of what to do, but then Harry nodded at me, and I knew that I could trust him.

Even though I was worried, I still handed him the phone, and he immediately hid it in his sleeve. 

Harry wasted no time in coming up with a plan. "Let's all just take a deep breath and calm down," he said in a steady voice, addressing our classmates. "Instead of making assumptions, let's take a closer look at the situation."

  With that, he took my bag from me. He methodically went through each pocket, laying my belongings on a nearby table.

"That's all his things. You can see that the phone is not in his belongings or bag." 

He called the classmate who had lost her phone and showed me all my belongings. 

"As you can see, your phone is not in his bag." Harry handed my bag to my classmate. "You should take a look to see that he really doesn't have your phone."

My classmate looked in disbelief at my bag. "B-but he was the only one here in our room while we were outside, and I believe I just left my phone in the bag. Maybe he hid my phone in his clothes!" 

Some of our classmates agreed with her. 

"Yes! Maybe he's hiding the phone in his clothes!" 

"Just take out the phone, Justin!"

Harry calmed down our classmates. "Just calm down. We'll search Justin to find out if he hid the phone." Then he sighed. "Ha haah~ That's the problem with parents today. Why, at a young age, do they immediately give cell phones to children. 

Harry searched for the phone. He explored the pockets of my clothes, but he found nothing. 

"Alright! It looks like Justin doesn't really have the missing phone. All we need to do now is find the phone in everyone's bag. Is it okay, Ms. Teacher, for us to open all the bags and no one can go home? Except for Justin, he was already cleared." Harry asked our teacher.

Our teacher replied to Harry. "All right, open their bags so we can find the missing phone."

Harry put away my cluttered belongings and put them back in the bag. When he returned my bag to me, he whispered. "I'm sorry if I messed up your things. Don't worry; I know you're innocent so just leave it to me, okay?"

I don't know why he did that or how he found out I was innocent, but I just trusted him. 

Everyone opened their bags to see if they had the missing phone when suddenly a classroom officer found the phone missing in the bag of one of our classmates. 

The recently laughing classmate had a changed face of shock and disbelief. 


Our teacher calmed our classmates. "Calm Down, okay? Let's talk about this in the guidance office." 



"There's no buts. Come with me, two of you, to our guidance office."

Our teacher went to the guidance office with my classmate who had lost his phone and our classmate who found the missing phone in the bag, and we were getting ready to go home.

My classmates were on their way home when I asked Harry. "Why did you do that? You know, why did you cover me up?" 

He laughed softly and answered me. "I just know, Justin, that you didn't steal that phone, and you're innocent." 

"But how can you be sure that I am not the one who did it?" 

"It's simple. I saw him take the phone from our classmate's bag and put it in your bag when you went to C.R. That's all. That's why I didn't tell my classmates right away what I saw, they might not believe me, and I did that to give me time to put the phone in the thief's bag so he could find the missing phone in his own bag." 

"We just pulled an Uno reverse card right there. Hahaha"


I thanked Harry for what he did. "T-thank you, Harry." 

Then he patted my back. "That's what friends are for." 

I can't understand how I feel. I just know that I'm happy because someone considered me a friend for the first time. He… was really different from others.

"And Justin, from now on, you should participate in our P.E activities so that what happened earlier will not happen again. Don't worry. From now on, I will always be your partner, and if the activity needs to be a group, I will take care of including you in the group. Is that okay?"

I lost a word for a moment there. He's so kind.

I answered. "O-okay, b-but I-."

Before I could even finish my answer, he had already interrupted me. "That's great! Alright, see you tomorrow!" 

And we separated away, but he looked back. "Bye-bye, Justin."

I was overwhelmed by that. It's the first time that someone considered me as a friend, defended me, helped me, and someone wants to see me tomorrow. I just waved my hand. See you tomorrow. 

I don't know why he did all of that; I have no idea. Maybe he's being just righteous. But that's not the only thing I'm wondering about. How did he put the cell phone in my classmate's bag if he didn't touch it? 

Only officers inspected the backpacks. Another thing I don't understand is why my classmate who constantly bullied me didn't report me even though he saw it. I noticed that I handed Harry the phone.

Since then, every morning, Harry greets me with a good morning. I also participated in activities at P.E. He is always my partner. He makes a group and joins me first when it comes to groupings. Somehow, I got better at school because of him.


To Be Continued…