Chapter 28 The Lost And Found Part 3

Chapter 28 The Lost and Found Part 3

June 4, 2018 (Old Life)

  It was a day like any other, the sun shining and birds chirping in the background as I made my way down the street. Suddenly, I noticed four men hanging out on either side of the road, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. As they turned their attention towards me, my instincts were confirmed.

  "Look who's here, HAHAHAHAHA! You're the Mayor's son, aren't you?" The mocking laughter of the men sent chills down my spine, and my nerves started to get the best of me. My words came out in a stammer, "W-What do you want?"

  One of the men stepped forward, and I knew he was their leader. "Just give us the money, and we will have no problem." His eyes narrowed, and I felt a sense of danger emanating from him.

  I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves, and spoke calmly and collectedly, "I can't give you what you want. I don't have money." But the leader was not convinced, and in a flash, he had me cornered and lifted me off the ground. I closed my eyes, bracing for impact, but instead, I was thrown to the ground with a thud.

  "Your father is corrupt, isn't he? You must have a lot of money because you are robbing all the people. So it is impossible to not have money." His words cut deep, and I knew that I was in trouble. The pain was unbearable as he kicked me in the stomach, and I could barely keep my composure.

  With a groan, I tried to stand up, still reeling from the blow, and I spoke through gritted teeth, "I have already told you that I really have no money to give you. Even though I was the Mayor's son, he never gave me money." I knew I had to hold my ground and stay strong, even in danger.

"Oh I see." He raised his fist as if he was about to punch me

The thug's fist hung in the air, and I braced myself for the impact when we suddenly heard a voice that made the thugs turn their heads.

  "Hey, what do you think you're doing, huh?" It was Harry, waving and approaching us while holding a box. The sight of him gave me a glimmer of hope.

  "Hello there, Justin. So what's going on here?" Harry asked, his smile never leaving his face.

  "Don't get involved here. We'll just take from him what his father stole," the thug snarled, his eyes glinting with malice.

  Harry's smirk grew wider. "Heh~ should I stop you guys?"

  The thug smiled back, "Then try to stop us." And with that, he threw a punch at Harry.

  But Harry was quick, ducking and dodging the blow with ease. As he evaded the thug's attack, he handed me the box he was carrying and said, "It's for you, Justin, take it."

The thug stumbled backward, clutching his nose in pain, but Harry wasn't done yet. With lightning-fast reflexes, he struck another punch in the thug's groin with all his might, sending him crashing to the ground, unconscious.

  The other thugs were stunned momentarily, but they came at Harry all at once. But Harry was a skilled fighter and moved with the grace of a trained martial artist. He dodged and weaved, striking them with precision and speed.

  The fight was intense, and I watched in awe as Harry took down each of the thugs with ease. With a final flurry of punches and kicks, the remaining thugs collapsed in a heap, groaning in pain.

  Harry wiped the sweat from his brow and cleaned himself with his hand to eliminate all the dust in the fight. "This is cliche," he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

  I couldn't believe what had just happened. 

I spoke with concern. "Uhm Harry look there are cops approaching us what are we going to do?"

I replied, "Oh, in this situation, there's only one thing we could do, and I learned this technique from an anime that I've watched, and the only thing we needed to use is our legs."

"W-what is that?"

  "OKAY are you ready Justin?"

"Ready for what?!" 

He shouted. "NIGERUNDAYO!" (Japanese for "let's run!" Jojo reference.)Then he ran away. 


"Follow me Justin!" 

I also ran away while following him. 

We have stopped running. Harry looked around to see if anyone was following us. 

"Okay, I don't think anyone is following us. Let's go, Justin, follow me, we're going somewhere."

I asked him while panting, "hah hah hah, where are we going?" 

He replied, "You'll see." 

Harry led me through a forest path surrounded by tall trees with lush green leaves as we walked. The leaves rustled softly in the wind, and the air was filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers. I could hear the sound of birds chirping in the distance and the occasional rustle of small animals in the bushes.

  We reached the end of the path, and we emerged onto a small clearing that overlooked the river. The sight before me was truly breathtaking. The gentle twilight river sparkled in the sun's light, and the pure white sand stretched before me. The river flowed slowly, and its current sound was like a lullaby, soothing and calming.

  The sky was painted with shades of orange, pink, and purple as the sun slowly set on the horizon. The clouds were like paint strokes on a canvas, forming a beautiful painting that filled the sky. The colors of the sky blended seamlessly with the scenery around us, creating a mesmerizing view that was simply indescribable.

Harry invited me to sit down. "Hey Justin, can we sit here for a moment?" 

Before I sat down, I handed back the box to Harry. "Why are you giving this back? I gave it to you, remember?" he asked.

I hesitated before sitting down, trying to come up with a response. "I just don't know why you're giving it to me. I mean, what was it for?"

  Harry's expression softened, "Have you forgotten? Today is your birthday. You should open it up."

  My eyes widened in surprise, "My birthday? I didn't even realize."

  I opened the box and saw a simple cake inside, but it was too cold, and a candle was on it. I couldn't help but feel confused. "Why did you give this to me?"

  Harry chuckled, "Maybe you're wondering, Justin, why I gave you a cake. You know, cake is usually the food given to birthdays, and technically it's not a cake actually."

"Not a cake?"

"Yup, you must have felt it also, it's cold right? It's an ice cream cake."

  I felt slightly embarrassed, "Oh, I didn't know that. I've never celebrated my birthday before nor had a reason to do it. It is just a day that will eventually pass. It's just a useless day. 

  Without missing a beat, Harry pulled out a matchbox and lit the candle on the cake. I watched as the flame flickered in the wind. Then he turned to me while holding the cake. "What are you doing, Harry?" I asked, wondering what he did. 

  Harry beamed, "It's time for me to sing you a song, Justin."

  I raised an eyebrow, "A song? What song?"

  "A birthday song, of course. After I sing, blow the candle off and make a wish."

  I still didn't understand, "But why? Why did you bother to do it or celebrate my birthday with someone like me? I…-" 

  Harry just smiled, "Just do it, Justin." And he began to sing, his voice echoing in the tranquil surroundings.

Happy Birthday To You~

Happy Birthday To You~ 

Happy Birthday~

Happy Birthday~

Happy Birthday, Justin~

"Blow the candle Justin!!" 

I blew out the candle, and Harry clapped his hands. 

"Happy Birthday Justin!" 

I don't know what else I can say. I feel like all my emotions are mixing, and I notice my tears are dripping.

As I wiped away the tears that streamed down my face, I looked at Harry with a mix of gratitude and confusion. "I don't know what else I can say," I muttered. "I feel like all my emotions are mixing, and I don't even notice that my tears are dripping."

  Harry placed a hand on my shoulder, offering a comforting squeeze. "It's okay, Justin. Sometimes words aren't enough to express how we feel."

  I took a deep breath, gathering my composure. "Thank you very much, Harry. In my whole life, you were the only one who knew about my birthday and was the first to join me to celebrate. All my life I feel like no one cares about my birthday, but you ... thank you very much."

"You're welcome, Justin!" Harry's face lit up with a warm smile.

  His words gave me hope, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort. "Believe me," he continued. "One day someone will know, prepare and join you to celebrate your birthday. I'm sure that day will come as long as you trust me. After all, your birthday is not just a normal day, but it is a truly special day for you and for the people who will love you."

  As he looked at me calmly, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace. "One day, you will be happy on your own birthday. That's for sure. It's your future past."

I didn't understand what he meant but sobbed while thanking him again. Harry brought up two forks, and I watched as he handed me one. "Okay, I think we should eat it now before it melts. I'm sure it's delicious because I'm the one who made it."

  "Oh! You're the one who made this?" I took a bite from the cake using a fork and couldn't believe how delicious it was. The cake was cold and sweet, and it melted in my mouth. Harry was indeed a gifted child.

Harry brought up two forks. "Okay, I think we should eat it now before it melts. I'm sure it's delicious because I'm the one who makes it."

"Oh! You're the one who made this?" I took a bite from the cake using a fork. It's delicious. It's cold and sweet. He was indeed a gifted child.

We eat while gazing at the sunset. 

  The sun had set, and it was getting dark all around. 

Harry stood up. "I think we should go home now…but wait let me give you this."

He gave me an unknown rock that was emitting blue rays. 

"What is this?" I asked in confusion.

  "It was only a simple rock named Cerulianium." He answered.

  "Cerulianium? What is that? This is the first time I heard about this. This is not radioactive isn't it?" I asked, smiling but scared at the same time.

  Harry just laughed. "No it's not. But It is a good looking stone right? Maybe you should take care of it."

"But why did you give me this?" Harry smiled, "Because… I just want to. That rock is nothing but a mere rock with no significance at all. But…I…still want to. That's all. I just hope that you will take care of that rock."

I thanked Harry for the gift. "Thank you so much for the gift, Harry. I can't express how happy I really am right now because of this. Promise Harry, I will cherish this gift that came from you for life, this is still the very first gift I received in my life. Once again, thank you so much for everything you did, thank you and you became my friend. I will never forget it for the rest of my life." Then I gave him a teary but bright smile. 

He patted my back again. "You're always welcome, Justin. Let's go home now!" 


We were walking home, and he spoke to me as we were about to part ways.

"Ah by the way! I'll go to City hall first because my parents are there now. Do you want to join me? Your father is also there, isn't he?"

I replied: "huh? No thanks!" I also don't want to see that old fart face. 

"Ah, is that so? All right, let's meet again tomorrow!"

"Yeah, thanks for today. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow. Bye bye, Justin." 

We waved goodbye to each other.

That was the last time I saw him.