All Prepared, Only the Voice Actors are Missing

The next day.

After school, Homura prepared to make the game music.

He had originally planned to go by himself, but the group of girls who no longer had tasks to do also wanted to come along. He couldn't object, could he?

So, this large group of people went straight to the recording studio.


It was still the same recording studio as last time. When the boss saw Homura, he didn't even ask if they needed music guidance, and just took their money and let them figure it out on their own.

Homura thought about the instruments he needed to use and realized that he only needed to level up his drumming skills a bit more.

With his Composition at Level 9 and his Level 9 Tai Chi body control, he played the drums for a while and gradually became more familiar with them under the surprised gaze of the girls.

He glanced at his skill panel and saw that his drumming skill had reached Level 4. He continued to play the drums with his drumsticks!

With his body swaying, he kept adding skill points, until he reached Level 9.

The girls were all numb, staring at him with dead fish eyes as he gradually became more and more abnormal.

Then he walked towards the electronic keyboard; he was very confident about this one, as he had a piano and various skill bonuses, so he could definitely play it well!

After playing with it for a while, the electronic keyboard also reached Level 7! He added two more points, and now all the instruments needed for the game music were at Level 9!

This was his current status:

[Character Name]: Minamiya Homura

[Level]: 61 (398530/3600000)

[Skill Points]: 47


"I now believe that our game will be released soon because you're just too abnormal!" Eriri said.

"Homura-kun, do you have the music draft already?" Utaha asked, but she felt it was very likely that he did.

He nodded his head. Of course, he had a draft! His mind was full of it!

"Then let's get started! Homura-kun, I can't wait any longer!" Nanami said with excitement.

Homura shook his head. "Don't get your hopes up so early. I'm just one person, and each instrument needs to be recorded separately and then combined to create the complete music. Some music doesn't sound good when played on individual instruments, and needs to be complementary to each other to sound good."

The girls nodded their heads. They understood this problem, but it didn't stop them from being excited.

Looking at them, who were all looking at him with expectant expressions, Homura shrugged his shoulders. "Then let's get started!"


After forty minutes, the composition of the melody from "Zenzenzense" was completed.

Under the urging of the girls, Homura could only sing it once. This time, the complete version of "Zenzenzense" satisfied the girls' craving for the song!

The rest was just some background music, which would be inserted into the game process. These were relatively easy, and many didn't require multiple instruments, as the piano was enough!

And so, an hour and a half later.

"OK! We've finished all the game music!" Homura stretched lazily, giving his body a good workout.

The girls were dumbfounded, even Mashiro's eye twitched... This speed was unbelievable! He was such a fast man?!

He explained that it was all in his head, and that's why it was so fast!

Even if there was no original background music, Homura could find similar background music to replace it. If it wasn't suitable, he would slightly modify it with his Level 9 Composition to make it completely suitable!

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" Homura felt a bit uneasy under their gaze, "Like I'm some kind of god..."

"Otaku God?" Mashiro said, as expected.

"What the heck is Otaku God?!" Homura was speechless, "Anyway, let's go! Let's go back and configure the game music!"

"Oh yeah!" Eriri suddenly remembered something, "Shouldn't we make an OP animation?"

This proposal was very constructive!

But Homura felt a bit embarrassed and scratched his head, "I think... just do it like an anime movie. We just need to put the song in the staff credits part. Because if we make an OP animation, I feel like it'll turn into a completely different game, and more like a gal game!"

Except for Megumi, Mashiro, and Nanami who didn't quite understand, Utaha and Eriri understood his concerns. They imagined that scene where Tachibana Taki appeared and then had encounters with various female characters, getting to know each other and falling in love... This was simply insane!

If they really did it, it would be a disrespect to "Your Name."!

But if they only added Miyamizu Mitsuha and Tachibana Taki to the OP, it seems that "Your Name.", which appears in a game-like manner, didn't quite fit.

Therefore, his idea was accepted!


After arriving home, the group first had dinner, and then Homura personally inserted the music into the game, while continuously giving guidance to Megumi during the operation.

Although the others didn't have anything to do, they still gathered around them.

If you're wondering why, it's because if they weren't there, then it would be just Megumi and Homura alone together. Utaha and Eriri didn't want to let that happen, so they stayed too.

By the way, Elf was also here. She brought some food herself, determined not to lose to him. After everyone had eaten, they all praised the food, but she herself tasted it and realized that she was still not as good as him.

So, with a sense of frustration, Elf continued to eat all kinds of dishes. It looked like she would have to work even harder to make food that could beat him!


"OK! It's done!" Seeing the eager looks of the girls, Homura took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hey? What's up, brat!"

It had happened so many times with this "brat" thing, but he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth whenever his father said it. But he didn't retort this time since he needed something from the person on the other end.

"It's about the thing we talked about last time! I've completed the game on my side, all that's left is the voice actors."

"Send the game over first! I need to check the quality before I decide what voice actor to look for! You're keeping secrets tight, Shizuka didn't even tell me!" Kosuke's slightly displeased voice came through.

"How do I send it to you?" Homura asked.

Kosuke pondered for a moment. "Just in case, send it to Shizuka's personal email."

Homura raised his eyebrows. Was this to prevent leaks? It seemed that his father valued this game quite a bit.

"Alright, I'll upload it now."

"By the way," Kosuke said, "I want to confirm with you again, are you sure you don't need a voice actor for the male and female leads?"

'Oh, so that's what this is all about!' Homura didn't hesitate and said in a firm tone. "Absolutely sure and definitely not needed!"

Kosuke: "..."

"Okay, that's settled! Send it over quickly! Let me see if the work of your circle will shock the industry, and worthy of attention!"

Homura's mouth curled up with confidence. "Well, then you'd better take a good look!"

After speaking, both parties hung up the phone.

Homura reached out to his PC and typed a message.


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