New Mission

Rose started the engine and began to drive off.

"So where do you live?" Rose asked.

"At Sada Bear, next to the gas station."

Rose nodded in response.


'This is awkward, I don't know what to say here.' Michael and Rose had been driving for 20 minutes and so far, and none of them had said a word.

'She doesn't seem to feel awkward, I'll just stay silent.'

Michael decided to distract himself of the awkward atmosphere by thinking.

'Being in a car with a girl like this, reminds me of when I used to be in a relationship. While it was good, it just didn't feel.. important. As if I'm doing more of a side hobby than a relationship.'

'What if the reason she drove me is because she likes me?'

'Probably not, in any case I don't want to get into a relationship at the moment.'

'I can't get distracted off my goal. When I get back, I'll make a training plan for myself. Considering I already dropped out of school, I can't slack off. I'm all in with swimming.'

Pulling him out of his thoughts, the car had stopped in front of his apartment.

"Thanks for the ride." Michael voiced his thanks.

"You're welcome." Rose responded.

Getting out of the car, Michael walked up the stairs and into his apartment.

"Michael! Where have you been? you've never come home late like this." Emily said in a worried tone.

"Don't worry mom, I was eating out with Kai and his friends."

"Really?! My son is finally able to socialize. I thought that you would grow up and die alone with how you were acting."

"Mom, why do you have to phrase it like that? I made a lot of friends before, you didn't even count Kai."

"Anyways, I already ate out so I'm not hungry. I will go to bed straight away, goodnight mom."

"Goodnight sweetie."

After brushing his teeth, Michael went to bed and started thinking of a training plan. After about 20 minutes of thinking and googling famous training plans, Michael finally had a training plan ready.

It consists of the following.

In the water: 800m warmup, 8x25m of drills to hone out his technique, 15x100m, 5km swim, and finally ending off with 6x50m sprints. 6 times per week, but if he feels too tired to train well, he will separate his daily workout into two parts. One in the morning and the other in the evening or nighttime.

Dry-land: 4x30 squat jumps, 4x7 pull-ups, 4x70 weighted sit-ups, 4x15 push-ups. 3 times per week

Over time, Michael planned on increasing the intensity or the volume of his workouts, as he knows his body will continuously get strong, he has to increase the load to always push his limits.

As soon as he finished his training plan, he heard a familiar noise.



Michael quickly opened his missions tab to check it out, his last mission gave him a life-changing reward.


NAME: Michael Alexander

SPECIES: 89.9% 'Homo sapien', 10.1% 'Homo aquatilis'

AGE: 22

SYSTEM LEVEL: 1 (15/100 sport points to level-up)



EVALUATION: An up-and-coming decent swimmer, unfortunately the phrase 'frog in a well' perfectly fits.]



#NEW MISSION: Prove yourself worthy of the system.

Task: Win a medal in the swim event that's in 50 days.

Rewards: Unknown, reward increases the higher the medal gotten.

Punishments: Removal of system.

'Yes!' Michael felt elated, he was confident that with his new physique and harsh training plan, he will be able to win a medal. While he isn't sure about winning a gold, he will try his best to be able to get the best reward possible.

Afterwards, Michael felt very sleepy, so he quickly did his routine of stretches and entered a deep slumber.


Slowly opening his eyes, Michael quickly got out of bed. He did his usual morning routine and went to the swimming pool.

For some reason, Michael had a sense of urgency about training, he felt that if he didn't put everything in his training, he wouldn't even get bronze. Which was literally a death sentence. So he decided to be extremely harsh on himself in training.

After finishing his training, Michael felt that just walking was difficult to do.

When he got back home, Michael took a long deserved 2 hour nap.

After waking up and seeing that it was 4 pm, Michael decided to call Kai.


"Hey Kai, are you busy right now?"

"No, I finished my training for today."

"Great, want to play some games? I'm bored and have nothing to do."

"Alright, I'll call you on biscorb."


Michael quickly got into his new routine, and before he knew it. 48 days had already passed.