The Question

Laemno watched the hag disappear into the night as he juggled with the horn-shaped whistle.

Why do I feel like I got ripped off, somehow?

He eyed the sculpted overgrowth, a mixed expression etched on his face.

"Those were impressive deductions, but no less bold." Nysa broke the setting silence, the sorrowful heaviness having all but disappeared from her tone. "Few would dare speak so casually with Her Ladyship."

"At times, it's advantageous when one is completely outclassed," Laemno explained. "When an individual looks down on you, you're rarely considered a threat. If you're not a threat, then you're a plaything—a source of entertainment, something to be toyed with, yet also to be humored."

He sighed, revealing a tinge of frustration beneath his mask of confidence. "I merely understood my place the moment I laid eyes on her. To her, I'm a source of amusement. As long as I followed her cues, I was in no danger."