Pacts and Oaths

Nysa seemed to pick up on Laemno's abnormality, inquiring, "Is there a problem?"

"Do you... do you know the answer to that question?"

She slowly shook her head. "I do not."

"Why were you sure that it would drive me to suicide, then?" Laemno asked.

"My understanding of the plan was that you would die from indirect exposure to the flow of Mana through the Eye of Crepuscule. The question didn't matter, only that you asked one. Still, the Veiled Matriarch had insisted that I implant that particular query in you, though I ignore the reason."

"I see." Laemno pinched his chin, deep in thought. "Nothing else can be done about it unless I meet her again. I'll have to search for her once I reach Sethia."

Nysa chuckled at his mumblings. "One does not simply find the Veiled Matriarch, boy. She'll reveal herself to you if she wishes to speak once more. Otherwise, you better give up on that prospect."