When Flu and I arrived backstage, Ericka was already in her Speedmage Suit. Cruzo was briefing her with a clipboard in his hand, but both of their attention shifted to us when we entered the scene.

"Congratulations on your second win, Flu!" Ericka greeted jollily.

"Uwoooogh! It was a spectacular match full of determination! I'm so moved!" Cruzo cried.

"Thank you very much!" Flu bowed over and over like a jerking seaworm.

I held my waist and smiled at Ericka. "How about you, Prez? Are you ready to take on the Speedmage Champion?"

"I am not so sure about that." Ericka crossed her arms. "As long as you distract me from fighting a big-shot opponent like him, I think it will be fine."

"Don't worry, I will always remind you how useless you are." I chuckled "But I'm more worried about the disparity in abilities and experience. You know how often he leaves people in the dust with his scores, right?"

Vincent the Teleporter's scores are terrifying. Whenever he is on the Triangle, he makes sure that the opponent's score is just in a single digit, while he always racks up about fifty points per match. He even got a hundred points against his opponent in the joint training camp. Not to mention that he defeated Ericka and Flu without breaking a sweat.

"Do not worry about that. I have a trump card that will put me on his level." Ericka smirked, but he immediately withdrew it with a frown as she held her hips. "Well, I don't know if I can win, but I'm sure I will be able to put up a good fight at least."

Prez may be attempting to be a perfectionist, but she always considers what is realistic in her case. She knows her limits and weaknesses, and she is smart enough to admit that all she had against the Speedmage Champion is a chance to win.

But it doesn't matter if it is just a chance. As long as the possibility of winning is there, we will fight!

"Good luck on your battle, Prez!" Flu pumped her fists with a bright cheerful smile.

"Everything will be all right! Just do your best!" Cruzo beamed with his signature thumbs up.

"Thank you, guys." Ericka gave a reassuring smile and slightly bowed toward the two. Then she looked at me and we both nodded at each other. "Let's go."


Vincent and Ericka are already at the starting Checkpoint Tower, awaiting for the referee's orders. I am at the viewing stage of the arena together with Justine Shadowseek, Vincent's little brother. We had a little chat before the match starts.

"Round two, huh?" Justine chuckled.

"It is a fair fight this time. We will try to win." I said as a bluff.

Of course, we have no way of defeating a person who can teleport! That's just cheating!

"Ahahaha. Here's hoping for a good game."

Justine laughed. He should find my phrase amusing. I find myself giving amusing words too. But what's more amusing is on the other side, as Prez and Vincent have started provoking each other.

"Aaah, I wanted to fight Miss Fluonessia Asahime, but I guess I have to beat their Useless Prez first." Vincent sighed.

"What did you say!?" Ericka clenched her fists. "Just to tell you, I let you win last time! I will catch you this time, you teleporting chicken!"

"I'll let you eat your words, and you will vomit it, and eat it again, during this match," Vincent smirked.

"Why you-"

"Ericka!" I said through the mic. "Don't fall to his provocations, you useless president!"

"Wait, why are you calling me useless? Which side are you on!?" Ericka groaned.

"Are you an idiot? Of course, I'm on your side! You'll be more useless if I'm not with you!" I said.

"Huuuuh!?" Ericka hissed.

Welp, that will do for her daily dose of emotional damage. If she's angry, she won't be nervous enough to vomit for the next twelve minutes.

Finally, the referee raised his hand and readied the whistle. Both Speedmages went to their ready positions and gathered mana on their feet.

"On your marks… Get set… Go!"


As soon as the whistle was blown, the two Speedmages activated their respective elemental magic on their feet!

"Photon Accel!" Vincent was the first one to use his speed spell, and he boosted forward with almost lightspeed!

"Ice Accel!" Ericka had perfectly-timed activation of Accel spell, but she will still be left on Vincent's dust.

Both Speedmages rushed towards the 2nd Checkpoint Tower, and Vincent is leading with a huge gap! As expected from a world-class Speedster, nobody can ever compete with his velocity!


Vincent touched the 2nd Checkpoint Tower, which gave him the first blood! The score is 0:1!

Just like what we saw back in the training camp, Vincent manifested a teleporter sword and stuck it near the 2nd Checkpoint!

"Hey, useless Prez! Don't wait for any second dilly-dallying around! Once you touch the 2nd Checkpoint Tower, go back to the 1st and use Freezing Field." I said through the mic.

"No can do," Ericka said. Her tone is not angry or sad. It's serious.

"What the heck are you thinking, disobeying my orders during a critical match? You're useless as ever!"

"Fine, I am useless! You call me whatever you want!" Ericka cried.

"There's no use arguing like this to your coach! What are you, twelve?" I said.

"You can keep on insulting me, but I want to try something first," Ericka said.

"Is this about your trump card?" I asked.

Ericka refused to answer for a moment as she was already in front of the 2nd Checkpoint Tower. She tagged the tower, and then she immediately skated back to where she came from.


Point for Ericka, draw at 1:1!

At this point, I do not know what Ericka is planning. But she has more experience in playing Speed Battles than me, so I will have to concede this to our president. I will trust whatever thing she got on her mind.

"Fine. Just make sure that what you're doing is not as useless as you." I said.

"You know, you should tone down trash-talking to me a little. I might freeze your ass after this." Ericka said with a forced smile, as I know she was angry inside. She even had her eyebrows irking.

"Yes, Prez."

At this moment, Vincent has already reached the 3rd Checkpoint Tower. He touched it and then struck a teleporter sword beside it.


Point for Vincent, now on the lead at 1:2!

I do not know what Ericka is thinking, but I know for sure that if Vincent establishes on the 1st Checkpoint Tower, the match is over. Vincent the Teleporter would just jump from one checkpoint tower to another, which will give him unlimited points. I know he even had a world record for the most points scored in a single match.

Vincent is already halfway towards the 1st Checkpoint Tower, but Ericka will arrive there first. But when she is about to approach the checkpoint, Ericka stopped. Prez spread out her arms and legs as if she is a goalkeeper who is guarding behind the goal net.

What is she doing? Is she given a chance to Vincent to score a point and establish a teleporter sword? That will be over if she does that!

I want to yell at how useless she is, but I reminded myself that Prez will be using her trump card in this match. I should sit back, relax, and enjoy the show, not until she calls me for advice.

"Coach?" Ericka whispered.

"Y-Yes, Prez? I mean, Useless Prez!" I replied in a slightly disoriented manner. I never thought she would talk to me.

"What was the count between the intervals of Vincent's teleportation? That one you said to Flu back then." Prez asked.

I memorized the intervals and the allowed speech and action delays of Vincent the Teleporter. I knew I would be using it once we face him, but I thought it would be Flu who will be using it. Since it is Prez on the Triangle right now, it's better to disclose all the information to her. She's my Speedmage too, after all.

"Just count one, and then strike!" I said.

"Got it!"

Ericka scrunched her face, while her crimson-purple eyes focus on the white photon contrails that are about to get to the 1st Checkpoint Tower.


Vincent has touched the 1st Checkpoint Tower, and now the score is 1:3!

The Speedmage Champion smirked at Ericka as he materialized his third teleporter sword!

"And with this, marks the end of the Speed Battle." Vincent the Teleporter said as he struck the edge of the mana sword beside the Checkpoint Tower.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Mister Speedmage Champion!" Ericka smirked as she skated towards the opponent like a raging bull! "Yaaaaah!"

Vincent condensed mana on his brain as he clasped his hands and closed his eyes. His extreme focus made the mana inside his skull implode, giving him a sense of extraordinary instinct that could predict and automatically dodge any incoming attacks!

"Dodge Instinct!"

Just as when Ericka's hand was about to strike Vincent's back, Vincent leaned to the right to evade getting hit. It was a complete miss! How can Prez score a point as a Striker if Dodge Instinct is active!?

"Whoops! You missed!" Vincent teased with a smug on his face.


"You fell for it!"

Ericka grinned as soon as she recovered her footing. Her crimson-purple eyes glowed, and she spread out her arms to unleash freezing energy in the air! This is a spell I have never seen her use before!

"Everything shall be frozen in place! Time Freeze!"