Chapter 3: Painting dreams

Back inside the cave, with no trace of water or fire yet, Rey set about leaving the book in a safe corner, but not before making sure that his companion was safe and sound.

Taking small steps, Rey approached the Paradise guardian cub. Before the tired eyelids of a face composed of huge dark circles under his eyes, the small furry feline slept more peacefully than ever. Despite the time that had passed, the precious creature remained in the same position in which he had left it. The walls, floor and ceiling of the cave had not changed in appearance either. Everything remained exactly the same, including the bones at the entrance and the blood on the spot. It was as if whatever existed around the sleeping being had stopped in time.

Rey wanted to sleep, to rest, and for the night that refused to turn into day to end once and for all. But after Silvia taught him the new language, it would be a waste not to take a look at the secrets the book held. Also... who could assure him that the next day Katherine wasn't going to kill him? Or that his brothers were training with the intentions of killing him when they had the chance?

Changing his mind, Rey shook his head as if wanting to get rid of the sleep that was invading him.

"I can't sleep. Not without first finishing some other unfinished business, besides reading this book" He turned his face to the cave's exit. "In many of the stories I have read, the remains of an honorable enemy deserve to rest in peace."

The little boy touched the soft furs that covered him.

"Out of respect from me, I must not let others see you in shame. Your bones and memories deserve to rest in peace. I wish I could have realized that you were missing a tusk, oh great feline," said Rey as he stepped out of the cave and with his hands set about digging a hole in the most suitable place he could find in the vicinity.

After having placed the bones in the center of the hole, the little one took off the skins that covered him and also placed them inside. Performing an improvised burial procedure, Rey filled the hole with the earth he had accumulated on one side. Once the burial was done, he shook out his injured hands and breathing a sigh of relief at the grave containing the big cat's remains, he announced a few words.

"The graves in the books have names, but I don't know what to call you. Still, I ask your forgiveness for trespassing on your property and allowing myself to be controlled by fear, hunger and despair. I recognize that it was not your fault if you were controlled by hunger and rage. After all this time has passed, I was able to remember, but it is too late for both of us. I made a mistake that cannot be mended. But your death was not in vain: your flesh, your bones and blood were sacrifices for both of us to continue living. In your name, and in your absence, I will continue to watch over her. Rest in peace, great nameless beast... rest until I can make amends for my mistake and bring you back.

Having finished his words, Rey left an offering of food on the rustic tomb and then returned the way he came. Entering the interior of the cave, he observed his companion once more. Lowering his gaze, he thought that, if she died, she should at least have a name to be remembered by. But a name was a serious thing and could not be taken lightly, for, as his father had said, the name is the path to greatness. For a while the little boy spent it standing around, not knowing what would be the most appropriate way to call his companion.

"Maybe in this book I'll find something to help me," he said to himself and then curled up next to the little guardian of Paradise and escaped the cold. There, settled and with nothing outstanding, Rey opened the first page of the book titled Requirement for Resentment.

"Interesting. The first few pages detail in complexity the function of the twelve fundamental elements plus the influence of the same on tangible and non-tangible planes, superb... Maybe I can finish reading it. Umm. Then what would be left to do? Sleep like everyone else sleeps. After so long awake, I wonder if I will be able to sleep. It's time to let go of this fear of closing my eyes. I must move on. Face Hero, mother and father. Maybe they will come too. At least I will be away from Katherine and Mijan and the rest of the pack. For now, they pose no problem to me. On the new day, I will learn more, try to beat my master and pass the test to make him teach me sorcery. I will act normal or however I want to act, without fear of what might happen... I have figured it out. No matter how long I stay awake in this eternal night, no matter how much I prepare myself, I will never be able to overcome them. But not because they are so distant from me means that everything I have achieved so far is insignificant. In all this time I have been surpassing myself... Yes, it is not in them, but in me. By having them as a reference I will be able to get there faster, but by surpassing myself I could get further. That's my challenge. To keep going forward, and when the time comes, I'll worry about the rest.

The little boy, who shared warmth with his furry companion, refocused his gaze on the words of the book. He also began to meditate while, between puffs of air, he explored the different sounds that his mouth could emit with the intention of not falling asleep. Suddenly, the letters came to life. Each one of them stopped having meanings, they became a movie running at more than hundreds of images per second.

"What was this she meant by optical illusion?"... The letters captured on these pages, those that are meant to represent words and sounds, now come together, levitate in the air and form colors, images, stories. It is a fascinating privilege to be able to visualize concepts that I do not understand and to feel feelings that I cannot explain. To see this with my eyes, here, in front of my face, is as if another path of knowledge were opening before me... perhaps, in this one the teachings are less complex. Friendship, sacrifice, companionship, innocence, innocence, affection, tenderness, love, concern, overstepping boundaries, defending, appreciating, regret, pleasure, happiness, helping, giving, winning, losing. The misfortune of many. The happiness of few. Fear, bravery, courage, daring, folly, madness, evil, honor, honesty, good, dishonor. But... how could I forget the words of the wise man. Knowing these things does not mean that I can truly understand them. They are not so true; they are just easy words to be said. Come to think of it, it's not the first time I've felt this way....

"Vaguely, I can remember that the two of them carried a book just like this one. That books have "knowledge" in them. That knowledge is easy to forget. Yes, long ago now, when the dawn lights were brightening with his calm voice, he said, "Are you ready?" when I could see with my eyes a past that was present and learn from that path of knowledge. I can no longer afford to forget... Curiosity stung so much in me when I saw the sphere of thoughts that materialized in the air, between the hands of the old man. I was naive, barely able to speak or listen properly. "The gift of knowledge. Create your own memories and make your own conclusions." So said the Great Wise Wizard. Now I wonder if it was really a gift and not a deception. If what I felt was curiosity and not temptation? Did I really draw my own conclusions? If the knowledge given to me was intended to make me more manipulable, I must tread carefully. As far as I can see from this book related to elemental control, the practices of the twelfth element are lost. Time and space control exists in theory, and it is said that no one has used it. But whatever is said, I do not believe it, for I can see such control before my eyes on this eternal night. If I can somehow learn from this skill, I will reach the "transcendental" rank. To be able to control time and space is to interrupt the purpose of the destiny that awaits me.

With the turning of the last page, Rey dropped his hand and the book he held with the intention of finally surrendering to sleep.

Somewhat more content than tired, the little boy with no last name drifted off to sleep. The sounds receded, the light of darkness finally darkened once more. The scent of the forest, of the damp, of the earth, of the book with old, burnt pages slowly receded. In the brief moment, before finally falling into the world of sleep, the little boy felt two things that brought him tranquility on either side. An inseparable friend and the warmth of a shelter: they were the components of a home. He smiled as one who knew he was where he wanted to be. In the darkness of the dream world, images began to appear. Panoramas that were accompanied by words. The little boy knew what he saw and what he heard, since he had already lived it and heard it... He was dreaming of what had happened on the first day, before leaving with his master for training.

Traveling back in time, under a small tree he could see green meadows and beautiful landscapes filled with divine brightness. The wind was warm and carried with it a heavenly scent. There, where the Great Wise Wizard sat, there were also three little ones. It was the day when the parents were saying goodbye to their children so that they could begin a training that would condition them to belong to the pack.