The Great Wise Wizard understood that the little ones, despite their size, did not know how to speak, nor did they know about the place or the history of the three planes. But how could he explain entities, concepts or define sets of situations and variables to those who could neither speak nor ask questions? First, he had to teach them how to communicate and reason. That was easy, he had up his sleeve the first step to master wisdom. The old man formulated a spell and between his hands made a sphere of thoughts appear and materialize in the air, which entered the minds of the three little ones. The diluted mist that fragmented entered through the middle of the children's foreheads, causing them to roll their eyes for a moment. After a little while, they began to articulate their mouths, then to speak, and finally to ask questions about the basics that needed to be learned.
"What are we?"
"Good question, my little ones, I have an excellent answer. The soul is purpose, which will grant right to exist in this multiverse. According to the function, behavior and type of energy they have, will be classified existence. For example, this rock" The old man with a long and fluffy beard, wearing a simple orange robe tightened at the waist by a rope, lifted a simple boulder from the ground "has a function to develop, it also has soul and purpose of passive character. In the language I taught them so that they can communicate, it is named as "rock" or "object" in order to conceptualize and thus understand it."
After placing the boulder on the ground, he pointed with his fingers.
"Those on the prairie who walk, and many others who can fly, swim, jump, jump, burrow, and crawl, are characterized by having the most basic needs of all: to be born, grow, reproduce, and die; although they are named in different ways, they are "animals" or "living things".
After lowering his hand and bringing it to his chest, he watched the three little ones with his metallic black eyes.
"The third group is chaos, violence, destruction and construction, mostly influenced by feelings. The non-tangibles are those who have no need to survive, feeling no danger; the need to evolve does not exist. And finally, the fifth group, the consumers, who maintain an insatiable hunger. Among these five main and most notorious forms of existence, there can be a whole infinity of variations if they combine with each other. And you are a result of those combinations that compose and populate the three planes.
"What other kinds of variations are there? Mnnnn..." wondered the old man as he rubbed his shaved head from back to front and then fluffed his white beard, which reached to the entrance of his stomach. "We have a fair amount of realms, both earth plane, interplanar and space. But in the animal kingdom of the earthly plane there are succubus, vampires, lycanthropes, fairies, nymphs, cherubim, elementals, elves, orcs, ogres, bestialized, humanized, dullahans, cyclops, trolls, dwarves, gnomes, giants, minotaurs, changelings, goblins, elves, fauns, satyrs, amazons, golems, ghouls, harpies, hannyas and humans are the most prominent high intelligence mammals among the combination of the five main forms of existence."
"Mammals. Another weird word, isn't it? It wasn't in the basic teaching package I gave you. By mammals I mean they were born from a womb, have four limbs and warm blood, just like you. Although any of the above can still be what they are without being or having been a mammal. Yes, I mean a vampire can be and exist without necessarily being born from a womb, having four limbs or warm blood. Without one of these three characteristics, the species in question ceases to be a mammal, but not by what it is known and distinguished for. I will tell you about the events and facts that belong to the past time and that constitute the development of two species, from their origins to the present time, so that you can understand."
After making the figure of a human with white skin, black eyes and brown hair appear in the air, the old man continued.
"Not even humans (who, not because they are the last on my list, cease to be the first to reign on the earthly plane) were mammals at all times. Yes, just as you are hearing it. The first ones were not necessarily born from a womb, although they did have warm blood and four limbs."
Then, another similar figure with white hair and blue eyes appeared floating next to another body with red eyes and black hair.
"The first vampire was not a mammal either, nor were the first lycanthropes. Are you curious? Indeed, his mother is of vampire lineage, his father is of lycanthrope lineage and, like everything else, he also has a bit of human lineage. I will tell you..."
Waving his hands, the Great Wise Wizard opened the book he was carrying and made the letters float.
"Long ago there existed a terrible monster of cold air that wandered aimlessly and without shelter among the nights of the first world. Though it mated with different species to its own, from its womb it could never create offspring. This existence grew hungry, it could not satiate its appetite, even though it devoured all the newborn creatures of a village, drank the blood from the pulsing necks of the residents and swallowed the nightmares of the surviving children again and again."
"On a night full of mysteries, the scene was set for an abominable act. A human broke tradition and for the first time raped the naked body of a female he had just met. As she refused to stay underneath, the man in a fit of rage bit her and, under the rising of the stars, was deserving of a singular curse. On the spot, the blood that cloyed his palate tasted like fruit. The next day, when the woman was no more, he noticed that her neck was pierced. Later, the beautiful woman, who had dissipated with the morning, left in the air some laughter, for she had finally been able to conceive a son."
"The first of the vampires had no choice but to pursue the intoxicating taste of fruit and leave behind the tasteless flavor of the food he usually ate, realizing that he had the power to gain energy, life force, prolong existence and youth each time he drank of the most fundamental liquid for life. The cursed gift of drinking blood was spread like seeds among the shadows of the nobility until, one day, between two, a creature with deep blue eyes was formed. In time, the descendants developed white hair after having gone through a considerable amount of time, like you, Jhades."
The old man looked at the little one who sat on the far right, he had no white hair or protruding teeth, but he did evince blue eyes and the surname of his mother's lineage.
The old man continued:
"On the other side, next to the first cold-winded primordial spirit, another artificial existence of unknown purpose roamed the damp and dark areas of the orb. Wearing a pointed hat full of rattles and bells, it warned of its presence while hiding its red fire-injected eyes and iron skin. The creature loathed herself and, with even more hatred, saw those prettier than herself. Its ferocity grew larger and larger very slowly until it decided to devour any pregnant woman who got in its way."
"One day, the creature in question began to devour the women of a well known lover with intense sexual desires. Said subject was on his way to being the first to be able to rule an entire universe and who, using his ingenuity, managed to do what not even a whole host of angels could have done. But being a primordial spirit, the creature could not be destroyed, so he kept it with him until he found the perfect opportunity to punish someone else who had the imprudence to want to deceive the gods of the moment."
"The wretched monarch of so many other many mortals harbored the primordial spirit of fire in his body. From man to savage beast he transformed, as did his succeeding generations, all with the abominable nature could triple their physical and athletic conditions, expanded their lungs and chest cavity. They were called lycanthropes, while they could be recognized by their angry red hot eyes and hard skins, like the metal inherited from the first spirit, which still lives in them, just as it lives in you, Dante."
The old man's eyes moved to the far left. The little one there did not denote in his face or in his body the characteristic features of a beast, but he did have his fiery red eyes and bore the surname of his father's lineage.
"Leaving the term mammals and the origins of these three species aside, my point is that new combinations of the five major existences can still be born unnaturally, as are you, Rey of No Last Name."
The black-skinned old man looked with his eyes at the little one sitting in the middle. That one who had white eyes and black hair, but on his face showed the expression of someone arrogant.
"You do not share the appearance of a vampire or a lycanthrope, but you have in you the characteristics of both. Do not feel bad if you are considered an outcast, mundane or despicable being by humans. In history, humans became the light responsible for the dark time and brought minorities almost to the brink of extinction, even themselves. Time left carved in stone a lesson and in the logics of the weak, a prevention. With the intention to survive, the weak will end up becoming the bad guy."
The whole magical world of floating words and knowledge was interrupted by the call of the instructors.
"Rey! Dante! Jahdes!"
The little ones turned their heads. In the distance were three familiar faces. One of them continued and spoke for the other two.
"It's time..."
Almost with a grin from ear to ear, the shaven-headed old man raised his voice and in a charismatic tone said:
"Just a little longer, the day is still long and it is far from becoming night... I want to finish giving the little ones the gift of knowledge."
Although the three adults present there showed facial gestures that they did not agree with the delay, they decided to wait for the longest of them all to finish what he had started.
"If so, teach them about their parents...about what awaits them if they intend to venture out and experience life outside of this place. Perhaps it will become a good motivation for them to know what is right, and what they must train for before they belong to the pack" Heroclades said.
Clearing his throat and clearing his voice, the old man continued with the barrage of rambling stories, barely had the three little ones returned their attention on the floating figures in the book, figures that seemed to move forward in time to the perfect moment.
"Of the not-so-distant past we are going to talk, I will tell you about your parents' wedding, also of their arrival here. With a little luck they will be able to imagine a vague idea of what the world is like out there."
Wife and husband were seen standing over a chapel full of roses, kissing each other.