
Maryam could do nothing but hug her children and cry. She did not want to let them go. Although the mountain shook, the sky darkened and a whole rain of enemies swarmed the place, the mother refused to let go of her children. She had a great inner fear, the fear that her children would die and that she could do nothing because she did not love them. She believed that perhaps with "reunification" she could foster the love she felt. But how could she love her children if she hadn't had enough time to be a mother?

The ligers, the site's first line of defense, fought fiercely along with the other guardians who did their best, but evidently it was not enough. The rumble of a sequence of explosions was heard. The mother realized that perhaps it was not such a bad idea to leave them. The situation was so delicate that she might not be able to protect her young. Letting them go off to fight so prematurely might be another way to lose them. But, as Rey and her husband had said in their words, it was time to let them go, "We need a chance for you to love us as your children." Maryam, in the face of time passing slowly and all the ambient sounds that muted, decided to say:

"Listen well...don't be irresponsible. If it's easy to take a life, it's just as easy to lose the one you have. Stay back and wait for us to finish with everyone. Do you hear me?! They don't belong to the group yet and I don't trust them.

The mountain shook and trembled again until it split in two. Wulfgang flashed the smile he was holding back and after igniting his body, which doubled in size and became covered in fire armor, he disappeared ready to fight. The vampire continued:

"Did you hear me!" she repeated as she shook Dante to answer the question.

Dante reluctantly responded by averting his gaze:


A gigantic hand covered by hundreds of limbs, belonging to a hideous creature, tried to attack the five individuals gathered at the top of the mountain. The Great Wise Wizard made a whole barrier that destroyed in a thousand pieces the flesh and bones that tried to attack the place. As a result, a torrent of blood bathed the sphere and isolated the place from all divine light that illuminated during the day.

Maryam drew out her immense wings and unfurled as she absorbed the shadows and, with them, covered herself with black armor. Levitating in the air, her face deformed and showed the ferocity of an animal that shot through the barrier like a bullet. The vampire raised her left hand to the sky and swallowed all the divine glow remaining in Heaven, while with her opposite hand she accumulated and solidified the blood of the creature that screamed for the absence of its hand until it was dissected. With the giant's blood, she created a thousand swords and also a sharp net that spread everywhere.

Rey could see that both his mother and the others were fighting, not to survive or protect or feel in danger, but rather as the only way they would let go of all the frustrations they had built up so far. Maryam swallowed the glow and made the darkness her strength, power and mobility, but only as far as the violent sea of flames reached. Among the fire, moving from side to side, was Wulfgang, who set the entire forest ablaze causing the ground on the opposite side of the battlefield to turn to lava, only as far as the charred logs. Among the wood, Ehimus sat on the shoulder of one of many small giants and a whole prison of vines that ran as if they were a whirlwind, and no longer extended to the other side in white flashes. Where the furrowed earth began, Katherine, with the edge of her gigantic sword, cut through the middle and froze with black ice on the sides, even the distant trees that made up the Ever-Changing Forest. On the other side of the black ice, Mijan filled everything in his path with holes, explosions and flashes and from the earth to the sky with a gigantic floating artifact of humanoid form, almost as big as a mountain. At the end of the circle, between Mijan and Maryam, was Heroclades, who flooded the entire area with an overflowing river of black wolves that devoured, clawed and exploded everything in its path.

From what little Rey could see, the elders were certainly on another level. So much so that they had to separate themselves from each other so as not to harm each other indirectly. Dante trembled with fear at the sight of the seniors' devastating strength, but he still believed it was not enough to pose a danger to his invincibility. Jhades, on the other hand, gazed in fascination at all the elders as if they were the stuff of worship and idolatry.

Suddenly, in the air above the heads of the little ones, the attention of the flying beings was caught by the explosion of one of their fellows being cut in half with a sword of darkness and blood. The three little ones watched as a cloud of flying beasts chased their mother all over the place, a cloud that became a shower of blood as it slashed against the sharp spider's web almost impossible to see. More and more giants came into view on a roof that was falling apart. Screams echoed and shook the earth, yet the elders refused to stay behind.

Dante and Jhades fell to the ground at the terrifying sight of frightening beings never before seen by them. Many heads and twice as many arms peeked out from within the sky of the place to peer in, looking for a way in.

"Are you not afraid?" the wolfling asked his white-eyed brother.

Rey said aloud, as one who had already seen the beings rambling outside of hell:

"Why should I be?"

Jhades, he felt uneasy:

"Although the elders have a lot of power, the situation did not look very favorable for them. They are hundreds of immense enemies."

Rey, confident in his words, said:

"When you reach Royal rank the difference in size is not a problem, for you can put yourself at the height of any giant, if you wish."

Dante and Jhades looked at their brother in disbelief. What did it mean, "To rise to the height of any giant"? What did the word "rank" mean? Two questions assailed his thoughts. Before they could ask to remove their doubts, the two little ones saw with their eyes what they never imagined they had seen or that it was possible.

Maryam, after increasing the amount of blood and darkness available to him, wrapped his body with these two materials until, after having thousands of layers one on top of the other, he reached the same size as the giants.

"The Colossus of Darkness and Blood, predominant among the vampires" said Rey before the imposing figure that stood with two immense open wings, a sword and a whole elongated shield. "Hmmm, I see you have several variants and the training to fight both ways, up close and from afar."

The vampire took position and pointed her elongated sword to, immediately after, make a violent explosion with the tip of it and disappear the head of what was looming in the place. Blood and darkness shot out and took whatever form was desired, which burst into flames and exploded like a bomb. From among the distant trees of the Ever-Changing Forest, a whole gigantic trunk sped past the site with the intent to strike down the vampire. She, with the armor of her left arm acting as a shield, blocked the blow without much difficulty to shoot back with the tip of her sword. A giant, who threw himself from the sky hoping to take the vampire by surprise, ended up being received by the sword, which in the opposite hand of the shield became an axe that violently separated the enemy in two, whose blood served as ammunition to continue shooting.

Rey changed the direction of his face. Among the hellish prairies wrapped in fire and lava, a giant of flames of different colors rose up aflame and solid.

"The Colossus Rex of Fires, predominant among fire elemental users, whose flames are yellow, red, orange, blue, green, black and white. This variant that Father uses has long arms and outstretched claws for sure to attack like a storm," said Rey.

The huge bipedal structure belonging to Wulfgang was lost from the sight of any onlooker because of how fast it moved, despite the proportions of its size. Whenever it appeared, it would strike with its claws, rather instinctively, just as a beast would strike between several enemies that cornered it. The elongated body, with the characteristics of a beast, with its tail, seemed to maintain its balance while attacking, not to mention the pointed reinforcements on its shoulders, back and chest, which it used to crash into enemies. The giant managed to split in two equal parts an individual of the same size, employing his claws, and with his tail decapitated the one who attacked him from behind.

Rey continued:

"The Wood God Colossus can only be used by a God rank wood elemental user. Unlike the Royal Rank Colossus, it does not require a core, as it can be the product of all the surrounding logs, roots and trees. It is summoning a catastrophe that will fight violently for its self-preservation against any calamity for an indeterminate period of time, without the need to be supervised or commanded by the creator."

Indeed, as if all the nature of the area served the same purposes of the elf, before the enemies that fell from the sky, that colossal only folded his arms and made huge pointed wooden stakes shoot out to meet those who descended. Those fortunate enough to evade the critical attacks of the stakes, as soon as they reached the ground, were to be met with the fury of a hammer composed of roots wrapped around a large stone, which the wooden giant carried over his shoulder with both arms. Those who turned to try to escape ended up agonizing on the ground, as if their bodies developed roots that grew and buried themselves deeper into their flesh and bones, until they came out through their mouths, eyes, ears and noses. The elf, who ate from the flowers, kept sitting on the shoulder of the colossus who, with his slow walk, came to his victims and made them suffer to see a hammer rising above his head. And like an executioner beheading the condemned, the colossus would drop the weapon of judgment with all his might. The overwhelming sound that a head made, as it was being scalped and entered the chest cavity of the assaulted, sounded almost as often as the vampire's gunshots.

Rey continued along with the spinning of her body:

"In the blizzard of shadowed frost can be seen the Black Ice Colossus, Katherine's elemental control of ice and darkness, which also has variants of the original art."