
Imposing, with a sword twice its size, it implied that its goal was to cut, strike, thrust and frizzle everything in its path, regardless of the damage. From afar you could see how the cold froze and tore the skin of those who moved on any surface, how the pieces of flesh were stuck. The black ice that made up the sharp blade looked as solid as any metal, but with the cutting of the enemies' bones, the sword would nick and break. Once unusable, Katherine discarded her weapon, throwing it with all her might to replace it with one of the several spares that floated behind her back and served as a shield. At the very moment the vampire went to make the switch, an enemy approached... She raised her opposite hand and at high speed launched a shot of solid ice. As soon as she got hold of her new sharp blade, she pulled two blades from her feet, which, in combination of complex leg movements, showed their true potential by making more than ten heads roll.

Rey struggled to identify the hull of something that existed and hovered in the air. The same machinery opened the inside of his chest and by means of an innumerable amount of wires drew what appeared to be Mijan's body inside.

"Admittedly, among all the "Colossals", the one belonging to the Of-Technologies elf is the one with the greatest mobility, maneuverability, destructive power and defense. Among those present it is the strongest of all and it is not necessarily necessary to control any combat art or to have Royal degree to be able to use it. It reminds me of the mechanical prototypes used by humans, although hundreds of thousands of times more advanced. I would venture to say its name is, XWZ."

What Rey had said, Jhades and Dante could see clearly. Of those present, Mijan's Colossus was the largest in size and the one that hovered in the air without the need for wings or physical strength. It also seemed to fall into pieces, but, up close, those pieces behaved atypically, for upon reaching the ground they moved and scattered around the site with the intention of devouring everything and producing materials to enlarge the size of the giant. Mijan, after the help of the little ones, after allowing himself to be surrounded and beaten by the enemies, made two swords appear and cut everything into an overwhelming diameter in just a flash. Although none of the thousands of pieces of flesh or blood came to fall entirely on the ground, as if they were held by the same force that floated all that immense machinery in constant evolution.

"And, lastly, we have my master who cried out to the "Colossal Hydra God," one of the hundreds of thousands of creatures in his book. The closest to a dragon that obeys him."

Heroclades stood crossed-armed over the creature's tallest and most imposing head, with hundreds of heads. The immense beast, non-humanoid in form, stood on four legs, covered with white scales from the tip of its single tail to each and every one of its heads. All the lawn-tongued mouths spat something: it could be fire, or wind, or lightning, or water, or earth, or acid, but none seemed to be without function. A giant from the sky fell standing on the wizard's perimeter; immediately, the beast, which was only sticking out its hundreds of tongues, even turned to look at the slightest hint of aggression on the part of the enemy; the being let all its heads separate from its body, leaving only nine of them, and set out to attack with ferocity everything in its path. The first giant was imprisoned by its feet, coiled by two snakes that made enough pressure to shatter the bones and cut with their sharp scales the flesh of the feet. The beast used two of its heads to bite the giant's arms and, with a third mouth, spat fire and calcined the helpless creature's head. Three by three, with the help of the ninety bodies that were strewn about the ground, the three pairs of main heads exerted the same fusion again and again, while the tail split in two any individual approaching from the rear.


With such a scene of unparalleled destructive power, Dante was beginning to reconsider whether he should really stay and obey mother's words. Giants were no problem if you were small. The invaders posed no threat either, but staying with the adults after the fighting was over was a problem. From the knowledge Rey proved to have, he should make him a member of her team, for it would certainly be beneficial to him. Jhades, on the other hand, thought that, if he told the elders that Rey knew of his secrets, perhaps he would receive something in return.

The Great Wise Wizard spoke, snapping the vampire and the wolfling out of the hypnotic trances they were in from watching the elders of the clan fight with such veracity and listening to Rey speak of the powers they used:

"Before I forget, here are the fighting tools I promised you..." He made three weapons appear, at the feet of the little ones.

A sword with a curved blade and long two-handed hilt, wrapped with a majestic black sheath tied to a short belt: it was a catana. Next to it sat two pistols of automatic design, with magazine in the stock, slide and recoil chamber for the recoiling shells, both identical in appearance, even inside their holsters it could be seen that they had a large sharp blade fused with the frame and trigger guard, a specific adaptation for short-range combat. And finally, two blades of approximately sixty-two centimeters with a double serrated edge at the beginning, pronounced curvature, pointed at one end and at the other with two handles that were fused into complex wrist guards.

With his right and more dexterous hand, Dante was the first to take from the ground the catana that the Great Wise Wizard had made appear. He had always wanted a sword that he could replenish by the missing edge of its brittle claws. As if out of a sense of competence, the little wolf cub threw himself down and protected his sharp object to put it on his waist and show it off around the place.

Jhades picked the two pistols from the ground. Although his more dexterous hand was his left, the vampire had the advantage of having been forced by his teacher to use his right hand in combat, which favored him in the situation of having to wield two pistols. He could shoot a gun in each hand quite well, with the left by natural inclination and with the right by forced education, but in combat he always found it better to kill his enemy from a distance than to have to run or fight with his body. After placing the cross-shaped sheaths on his back, he moved his shoulders to test the comfort.

Rey, was left with the two large sharp blades that could only be held by wrist straps. The curved double-edged blades, once in place, protruded from the back of his forearms and over his head. By means of some mechanisms they could change the direction of the blades forward in offensive mode and backward in defensive mode. Among the combat books he had read, very little was said about these weapons, let alone an art of combat with them. Still, Rey knew that in defensive mode they served to avoid blows and at the same time wound opponents, while, in offensive mode, they became an extension of the user that can be wielded with great skill, agility and moderate attack power. As the key to using these sharp blades was in the control of the hands, he had no problem being ambidextrous.

"Forearm Blades". In principle it is an inefficient and very difficult art to learn, but what actually makes a sword art less effective than the rest is not mastering it completely. If not used as intended, these blades will end up doing more damage than any enemy out there, not to mention being vulnerable to an opponent. The user of these arts must demonstrate a great aptitude for using the blades mounted on the arms, and more so with this design..." said Rey as he pressed his fist and made a strong lunge develop from his left blade forward, propelled by some mechanisms. "The speed of that slash was enough to cut through the trunk of a small tree, it can also rotate 180 degrees, and best of all it is removable, eliminating the risk of me getting stuck. If I could identify a way to make them retractable like my wings they would be perfect. I believe there are means of weapon concealment in the book of clamados, but for now it would be doing far more than I have to."

Both Jhades and Dante looked at their brother oddly, for he looked ridiculous and unconventional. They even came to denote a bit of pity in their looks, as well as joy that they were not the ones with those sharp blades that promised to cut their throats if they were not careful to move them.

The Great Wise Wizard said:

"The weapons you carry were forged by a mighty smith and their physical presence will be permanent from now on. You may rely on them until you find better ones," he said, half-opening his eyes as he played with his fluffy white beard. "I warn you; no one will have time to take care of you if you go outside my barrier... if something happens, come back. I will protect you."

A flaming creature crashed through the barrier and fell to the ground. As soon as it regained consciousness and identified prey to devour, with a roar it tried to attack the little ones, but Maryam, with the edge of her colossal sword, cut the body in two.

The vampire looked straight at the weapons held by her three little ones, clenched her fist and averted her gaze. "I fear the worst is yet to come," she said to herself knowing that her current size made her unable to reach down and take the weapons they held from her children. Employing her inherited "bloodline" ability, she brought the creature she had cut back to life. The vampire caused the once aggressive revived to submissively crouch in reverence as a show of respect for its new mistress. Behind the first revived, countless shadows appeared from the ground surrounding the barrier before the feet of the Giant of Darkness and Blood.

Maryam's ghostly voice spoke through one of the revived bodies:

"This place is safe... Stay together and do not leave. Use your weapons only if necessary...".