It Matters

They were on a one-hour break, but no one was actually allowed to go out. They were inside the classroom chatting about the upcoming party.

Caden was so exhausted, his head bowed on his desk.

"What happened to him?" Lea, one of her friends asked.

"He's tired because after school he had to stay almost all night to sign some papers." Alira whispered.

Caden wasn't sleeping. He listened to the girls' conversation, but he was too tired to tilt his head up.

"So Alira, have you kissed him?" Samantha asked.

She blushed and was surprised by her sudden question.

"Hey, quiet! Why do you have to ask something like that? He might hear you." She whispered.

Caden smirked. He decided to pretend that he was sleeping and listened.

"Why? You've been apart for years. You missed each other. Don't you want to do something beyond holding hands and hugging? Looking at him, I don't think he would be satisfied with just that?" Samantha continued.

Alira bit her lips and sighed. "He kissed me a few times already. Do you think that would be enough?"

Caden was surprised by Alira's question. He still pretended to be asleep and continued to listen.


Just a kiss? I don't know, but men usually wanted to do more than just kissing. Did he try to touch you?"

Alira frowned. "Touch? What do you mean?

Samantha couldn't believe that he didn't know what she was talking about.

"Touch you here and down there." Samantha answered while pointing at her body parts.

"No! Why would Caden want to touch me here and here?" Alira exclaimed.

Then she remembered what happened after the press conference.

Her eyes widened because Caden suddenly touched her breast. She covered her chest with her arms while he laughed.

"You should see the look on your face. But really, you've grown." He teased.

"I'm eighteen. Of course, it got bigger. Would you expect it to be the same when we were six?"

Caden laughed and continued to tease her. She couldn't tell her friends about that so she denied it.

"No! Why would Caden want to touch me here and here?" Alira exclaimed.

Lea and Cassy laughed. They knew that Alira was new to this kind of stuff. She never had an experience with any man because she waited for Caden for years.

"Really? Poor guy." Lea commented.

"You know, Alira. If you're like that, Caden might look for another girl. Someone aggressive. Did you even try to make the first move to kiss him? Or he was always the first one to initiate the kiss?" Cassy asked, curiosity piqued.

Alira didn't answer. The girls were shocked and couldn't believe how naive their friend was.

"Do I have to initiate it first? I mean, I'm scared that he would reject me. I honestly wanted to do more than just kiss, but what if he didn't like it. He's the guy, and he never asked me about it, so I assumed he didn't like doing it with me."

"What did you say?" Caden exclaimed.

The girls were shocked that Caden was awake and was listening to their conversation. Alira's face flushed. She suddenly felt embarrassed by what she said.

"You really think that I don't like to do it? I've been patient ever since I returned. I tried to control myself because I thought you were not yet ready. I told you that I didn't want to force anything on you." Caden said, pissed.

Alira's friends felt a sudden tension and couldn't say anything. Caden was annoyed, so he stood up and grabbed Alira's hand, pulling her outside of the classroom.

"Caden, where are you taking me?" She asked.

She knew Caden was mad, but she didn't feel afraid of him. 

"I just want to talk. I don't like it when you say those things to your friends. It's irritating." He said while dragging her into the music room.

Caden leaned on the glass window with his hands crossed on his chest. He glared at Alira and waited for her explanation.

"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that to my friends. I know I shouldn't have answered them even if they asked me." She sighed.

He was staring at her as she blushed while explaining herself.

"Would you like to do it with me? I mean, we're going to get married anyway. So, it doesn't matter if we do it now." He said looking at her intently.

Alira was surprised to hear Caden say that. She felt like he didn't care about her feelings.

"B-But it matters to me." She whispered, then tears fell from her eyes.

She didn't know why she was crying. But her heart felt like something was piercing it.

"Now, you're crying. Look, if it matters to you, do you think it didn't matter to me? I want you, Alira. I really do. You don't even know how much I have to control myself from touching you. But we're still young. I love you and I respect you as a woman. If we both feel that it's the right time, then it will happen." He said in a gentle voice.

Alira rushed into him, hugging him tightly. Caden indeed grew up as a fine young man.

"I want to do it with you. I want to be touched by you. But like what you said, it will happen at the right time. Thank you Caden. I love you so much!" She exclaimed.

He chuckled. "But when do you think is the right time?"

Alira looked at him in the eyes. "I don't know. Do you have to ask me about it? Or it will just happen?

Caden couldn't believe how naive she was. He wanted to laugh at her expression. She was really confused about when it would happen.

"Do you want me to ask you first or just go with it?" He asked curiosity piqued.

He was amused seeing her face moving her lips and blinking her eyes, as if she was really thinking about her answer.

"I-I think just go with it. I think it would feel awkward to ask first." She answered.

He was taken aback. It means that she allowed him to do whatever he want.

"Oh, shit!" He exclaimed.

Alira frowned. "What is it? What happened?"

She was beginning to worry when she realized what had happened. Her eyes widened. She had no experience in lovemaking, but she knew exactly what was poking her between her thighs.