
"C-Caden, that's—"

"My dick. Yeah, and it's hard." He said bluntly.

She blushed. How could he say it so easily? She still couldn't believe that he changed so much.

He chuckled. "Why do you look like that? Are you surprised that a prince can be that bold?"

She nodded. That's exactly what she was thinking.

"You have no idea, my princess." He whispered.

Then he sighed. "You are killing me, Alira."

She pouted. "I'm sorry for not knowing anything. How about you? Why do you know stuff like that? Did you, ahm, you know."

Caden frowned. "Hey! I didn't sleep with anyone. What kind of question is that? I waited twelve years to claim only you. To claim what's mine. I don't need to sleep with another woman, I only want you."

She sweetly smiled at him. She could still feel his dick and she wanted to at least make him happy. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his head toward hers. Then crashed his lips with hers.

Caden grabbed her waist to pull her closer. She felt his dick grew more and she knew he was still trying his best to control himself.

Then she felt his hand was already inside her blouse, caressing her back. It was warm enough to ignite her desire. She moaned, making him more excited.

Their tongues tangled and fought with each other, savoring each others taste.

He then gently brushed his hand from her back to her tummy, making her gasp for air. His lips let go of hers and moved to her neck. His warm breath sent shivers down her spine.

"Caden." She whispered.

Hearing her whisper his name made him crazy even more. Then she felt him unbutton her blouse, exposing her chest. She felt embarrassed so she crossed her arms to cover her breast.

Caden stopped. Then look at her in the eyes. She was blushing both from embarrassment and the heat coming from her own body.

He stared at her face and then down to her chest. Her heart was pounding so loud that she felt like it was going to burst.

Caden took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Then he leaned forward to kiss her on the forehead.

"If we continue, I don't think I could control myself. I didn't mean to rush you, but I don't regret it." He said.

She nodded. "I know. I don't regret it either. I kind of like it. Not kind of, I mean. I like being touched by you. I'm just embarrassed because I'm not sure if you will like what you see."

Caden chuckled. "You really know how to torture me. You are beautiful. Inside and out. I love you not just because of your appearance, that was a bonus. But I fell for you because you are an amazing girl."

He said while buttoning her blouse again. She smiled at him.

"And how do you know that? We were separated for twelve years." She asked.

"I told you. You have no idea." He answered.

She was about to ask him again when she noticed that he was wearing again a turtleneck shirt. It wasn't winter, but he was wearing something inappropriate for the weather.

"Aren't you hot? I mean your clothes. You wore overly covered shirts everyday. How about your uniform?" She asked.

She felt like he suddenly tensed. He averted his eyes from her.

"Nothing. I just like it." He said.

She knew he was lying. But she couldn't ask further after seeing how he reacted.

They went back to the classroom, but before the class started, someone called Caden on the phone. She looked at him and saw a different side of him.

She thought she saw another man. Someone mature and dangerous. His eyes were glaring at something as he listened to the call on the other line.

Then he stood up and took his belongings.

"Where are you going? The class will start soon." She said.

He didn't say a word but went out of the classroom after kissing her on the forehead.

"Where's your fiance?" Lea asked during their lunch.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me anything." She said.

She was worried, remembering his expression before leaving. Then she saw Caroline walk into the cafeteria.

"Oh, that's trouble. She's your fiance's sister, right? I never see him talking to her. He's always with you." Vira commented.

She felt sorry for Caroline. She also felt guilty because she forgot to ask Caden about him. Then everyone was surprised including her when Caden walked behind Caroline and grabbed her wrist.

"What do you want?" Caroline yelled at Caden, enough to get everyone's attention.

"I told you to follow me!" Caden said with gritted teeth.

"Why would I? Don't expect me to bow down to you. You're maybe the next king of that country, but for me you are nothing."

Murmurs circulated quickly. Alira knew she had to do something. She stood up and approached the Richards siblings.

"I think you should talk in private. Let's go." She said snatching Caroline's wrist from Caden.

They went to her residence so the two could talk. She wanted to leave them, but Caden shook his head so she stayed.

"Now, talk." Caroline rolled her eyes.

Caden sighed. "I'm not going to introduce myself. I know you already knew who I am. I don't know how to say this, but I never knew you existed. I just found out today."

Alira couldn't believe that what Lucas told her was true. How could Jayden and Peggy hide the truth about Caroline?

"And so? What do you want me to do? Rejoice?" Caroline answered in sarcasm.

She heard Caden take a deep breath, trying to be patient with his sister.

"No. But at least talk to me. I'm not going to say that it wasn't my fault, because I know I am part of the reason you were neglected. So for that, I'm sorry. For everything you went through because of me."

Then Caroline cried. Caden rushed to his sister and pulled her to an embrace.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"I felt so alone. They were always away, leaving me behind because of you. I hated you for years, but I was always curious about you.' She cried.

Alira smiled and left the two. She gently closed the door and leaned at the back of it.

She knew Caden had a lot of secrets. He was definitely hiding something. Not only him, but everyone around her. And she was willing to find out about it.