Against The Trekker Clan

Lucas Elliott Wilson—twin brother of Alira and heir to Wilson Group. He had jet-black hair and a pair of blue eyes. He was a very protective brother to Alira and best friends with the Crown Prince of Flousia, Caden Hulls-Richards. He was secretly good at using different weapons and had been training to fight since ten years old.

Elisa Katherine Nitori-Hulls—the eldest child of the current King and Queen of Flousia. The rebellious princess who dreamed of exploring the world. A great conversationalist and good at disguising.

Elijah Keith Nitori Hulls—the introverted prince of Flousia and Elisa's younger brother. He was a smart kid and a good strategist. But he had a secret that no one knew about.

Skyler Jackson—the adventurous and daring heir of Media Tech Corporation, the largest media company worldwide.

Stephen Jackson—the strict and quiet heir of Anderson Empire, a company with the largest law firm serving in different countries.

Lucia Caroline Hulls-Richards—Caden's youngest sister. An untitled royal but heir to Miller Group and eventually would become the successor of the Castello Clan, her father's family.

Alira greeted Elisa and Elijah. She felt guilty about Elisa because she felt jealous, not knowing she was Caden's cousin.

"E-Elisa, I-I'm—"

"It's fine. I understand. We only met twice so of I were in your place, I will feel the same." Elisa smiled.

The Hulls siblings looked a lot like their mother. They both have black eyes and black hair. Emily Blair Nitori-Hulls, Queen of Flousia, was half-Russian and half-Japanese. And the color of their hair and eyes came from their Japanese descent.

"Is this everyone?" Lucas asked Caden.

Caden chuckled. "Not really. We still have two more people."

Lucas frowned. "Who?"

Caden glanced at the Jackson twins who were smiling at each other.

"No way!" Lucas exclaimed.

"We need her. You know that. I asked her to come back here." Caden said.

She was curious and confused at the same time. She looked at Caden who was hugging her from behind.

"You'll see. But please don't get mad at me." He whispered into her ear, making her heart race.

"Caden, you bastard!" Lucas glared.

Before she could ask, they heard some footsteps. And based on its sounds, it was a woman wearing a stiletto. Her eyes widened when she saw who was standing by the door.

"Brie!" Caroline excitedly ran toward the girl with long brown hair and a pair of emerald green eyes.

Aubrey Tiffany Cross—heiress to Cross Airline, Andrew and Katharina Cross' daughter. Her parents were also friends with theirs. But Katharina or their Aunt Nina betrayed their parents once and became an accessory to attack the palace twelve years ago.

Their Aunt Nina had been forgiven, but for some reason, Alira didn't have a chance to get close to Brie. And she knew, Lucas hated the girl because she was a traitor's daughter.

"When did you come back?" Caroline asked while dragging Brie inside the room.

"This morning. Your brother called me." Brie answered.

Alira still felt awkward with Brie and wasn't sure if she could be friends with her.

"How's Canada?" Stephen asked.

"It's fine. But I still miss home."

Brie was sent to Canada to study. She was accelerated twice and now in her first year of senior year. The girl was a genius hacker. At the age of four, she was able to find all of Benjamin Miller's properties and bank accounts by hacking.

Brie turned to Lucas. "Hello, Lucas."

Lucas sighed. "You're back."

Brie nodded and smiled at him. They were looking at the two and felt that awkward moment between them. She wondered if something happened between her brother and Brie. The last time she saw the girl was at their graduation in junior year.

Alira knew Brie had feelings for her brother and that made it more awkward.

"You said there are two more. Who's the other one?" Elisa said cutting off the awkwardness inside the room.

"I'm here."

Another girl with short red hair and a pair of amber eyes came. She was wearing a red halter-top dress embedded with different crystals.

"Lady Natalia!" Elisa exclaimed while looking at her brother, Elijah.

"Everyone, this is Natalia Amelie Parker. She's a member of the royal family and Elijah's fiance." Caden introduced the girl.

She looked at Elijah who was quietly sitting on the chair beside the window. Natalia walked straight to Elijah and quickly threw her luggage to his lap.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Elijah glared at Natalia.

"I told you to wait for me at the airport! Why did you leave me?"

"Because you're too slow! And who said you can come here? We don't need you here!" Elijah yelled.

Natalia pouted and was about to cry because of Elijah's words when everyone was startled by Caden's voice.

"Elijah!" He shouted.

Alira felt goosebumps all over her body. His voice was cold and authoritative. She saw Elijah looking like a child who couldn't look into Caden's eyes.

"Apologize to your fiance!" He said.

Elijah looked at Natalia. "I'm sorry for leaving you."

Then they heard Natalia sob. Elisa was quick to comfort her soon-to-be sister-in-law. She also glared at her brother while brushing her hand at Natalia's back and guiding her to sit on a chair.

Caden calmed himself and held her hand. He kissed her gently on the cheek and turned to the people in the room.

"From now on, we will act in pairs. Meaning, you will always be with someone. The girls should always be accompanied with the boys. Stephen will be with Caroline. Elisa you'll be with Skyler. Elijah with Natalia. And Lucas, protect Brie."

Lucas frowned. "What?"

Caden ignored Lucas and continued.

"We will go against the Trekker Clan. And it will be dangerous, risky and the road ahead will not be easy. If you don't want to be a part of this, you can back out now?" Caden said.

Everyone in the room didn't answer. But their silence only meant one thing. They will not give up on this fight. If this would free them from the clutches of the Trekker Clan.