
"Alira, where did you go yesterday? You and the crown prince suddenly disappeared. Your things were collected by your bodyguards." Samantha asked.

She was caught off-guard and she didn't know what to tell them. She was bad at lying and she knew they wouldn't stop asking her about yesterday.

"Girls, Alira will be busy from now on. She has to attend princess lessons so expect that she will be absent for some days." It was Caden who answered.

Samantha didn't ask further but she saw her face blush while staring at Caden. She felt awkward seeing her friend drool over her fiance. But she couldn't blame her and she wasn't the only one who looked at Caden with dreamy eyes.

"Why do you look like that?" Elisa asked.

They were in the cafeteria having lunch together. Elisa, Brie, and Natalia were already at the table while Caroline and the boys were still getting their food.

She sighed. "Are all princes looked so dreamy?"

Elisa chuckled. "What do you mean? Are you complimenting your boyfriend?"

She blushed. "No. I mean– Well, yes!"

Natalia giggled. "You should get used to it. In Flousia, the Crown Prince has a fans club."

"What? Is it allowed?" She asked.

She was surprised because she thought only celebrities and boy bands had fans club. It was her first time hearing a prince to have one.

"You can't stop them. Caden seemed so perfect to be their prince charming. So expect that a lot of girls already hate you by now." Elisa commented.

"But I didn't do anything."

"They didn't know you exist in his life. Girls of different status wanted to be Caden's girlfriend back home." Elisa continued.

She pouted. And then glanced at Caden who was with her brother Lucas. They were still standing at the counter and waiting for their food. Caden asked the school to not give them special treatment so like other students, they have to wait for their turn during lunch.

"Do you know if there's someone—"

"Yeah." Natalia didn't let her finish.

"Natalia!" Elisa called.

"What? I'm just telling the truth. Besides, His Highness should tell her about that girl."

Her heart pounded hearing Natalia's words. Is Caden hiding something or someone? She bit her lip to stop herself from crying. Elisa didn't deny what Natalia said and that only meant one thing.

She stood up and ran outside of the cafeteria. Elisa and the others called her, but she ignored them. Caden frowned when he saw her leave.

"What happened?" He asked when he went back to their table.

Elisa didn't answer and couldn't look into Caden's eyes. Natalia stood up and bowed her head.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. It's my fault. I must have said something I shouldn't." Natalia said.

"Like what?" It was Elijah.

Natalia straightened up and glanced at Elijah. She knew her fiance was annoyed with her again.

"I–I told her about that girl. But I didn't give her any details. I–I just said there is someone—"

"Enough! Natalia, you crossed the line. I'll deal with you later." Caden said with gritted teeth.

He quickly walked out of the cafeteria to run after Alira. He knew she would get mad. But she should have asked or waited for his explanation first. He didn't tell her because the girl was not important.

"You're here." He said.

He didn't have to look everywhere just to find her. He knew exactly where she was so he went straight to the music room.

"Who's the girl? Natalia said there was someone—"

"There's no one else but you. The girl Natalia told you about is the daughter of one of the elders. I met her when I was ten. She's Natalia's older sister."

"And?" She asked.

Caden sighed. "She was actually one of the candidates for the Crown Princess. The elders wanted a Flousian as the next queen. They didn't know you existed until we made the announcement."

She suddenly felt anxious. But she would never let anyone take her title away from her, especially as Caden's fiance.

She glared at him, making him amused by her reaction.

"Listen, everything you told me yesterday was already overwhelming. So if there's more to it, tell me. I want to know everything about you. And if there are girls who—"

"Are you jealous?" He asked.

She pouted. "Of course, I am! I have the right to be jealous. I'm your fiance."

He chuckled. "What if I tell you there were a lot of girls who wanted me as their boyfriend? Natalia's sister always visits the palace to see me and she tried to kiss me once."

She frowned. "What? She did? Did you let her? Have you kissed another girl in the past twelve years were not together?"

She was starting to get mad at him when he suddenly burst out laughing.

"You should see the look on your face. How could you ask me something like that? As I said, you're the only girl in my heart. I have no interest in other girls. They're interested in me."

"You're so conceited."

He grabbed her by the waist and kissed her gently on the lips.

"I like it when you're jealous. But next time you heard something about me, ask me first. My heart only belongs to you." He whispered.

"Why?" She asked.

He pinched her cheeks and smiled.

"I don't know. The first time I saw you, you were like an angel."

"The first one you saw was my mother." She pouted.

Caden laughed. "Yeah, right. You're both beautiful. But you're the one I'm in love with. So will you please trust me? When she tried to kiss me, I covered her face with a book then I told her if she dared to do it again, she's dead."

"You're mean." She said.

"You have no idea."

She knew there was something behind his words, but she just ignored them. Caden already told her a lot of things, and she knew there was more. But she would rather wait for him to tell her everything than force him to talk about it.