Brotherly Love

They went back to the cafeteria to join the others. She was surprised to see her friends were already there. Lea was beside Lucas and obviously trying to get his attention. She looked at Brie who was quietly eating on the other side.

"So, you're okay?" Elisa asked.

She nodded and smiled at her. Natalia stood up and bowed her head again, but this time in front of her not Caden.

"Princess, I'm sorry." Natalia whispered.

She was surprised and at the same time embarrassed because a lot of students were looking at them.

"Ahm. Hey. You don't need to do that. It's my fault, really."

She glanced at Caden when Natalia didn't move. He looked at her and sighed.

"That's enough, Natalia. I will forgive you for now, but next time, I will send you back home." He said with a firm tone.

Elijah grabbed Natalia's wrist and forced her to sit down. He whispered something into his fiance's ear, but no one heard it. But Alira knew, Natalia was hurt by Elijah's words.

"Can I ask you something?"

It was an hour before class ended, their last teacher was absent so they had to self-study.

Caden nodded. "Anything."

"Why did Elijah treat Natalia that way? She's his fiance, right?"

Caden took some strands of her hair and played with it using his finger.

"Elijah never likes her and she knows. She was the one who insisted on the engagement. Elijah was an introvert. He's always either in his room or the library reading books. He was never interested in the company of others."

"Why did she insist on the engagement?" She asked.

Caden shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. She said she's in love with him."

She didn't respond. She was thinking and had a frown on her face. Her seat was in front of Caden's so she was seated facing the side when she talk to him. He was still playing with her hair and would sometimes brush it on his lips.

"I love you." He whispered.

Her eyes widened. She didn't expect him to say it that casually. There were students in the room so she looked around and saw some girls glancing at them. Caden's voice was not loud but it was enough to be heard by those who sits near them.

She blushed and her heart couldn't stop pounding. She bit her lip, trying to stop her smile. But she couldn't hide it.

Caden chuckled and suddenly flicked her forehead.

"Aww! Hey!"

"You're daydreaming. Would you like to hear it again?" He asked.

"Yes. But I want you to say it when we're alone." She blushed.

Caden frowned. "Why? You didn't like it if everyone hears it?"

She shook her head. "I like it and I'm happy that you're not embarrassed to say it around other people. But I want to hear it when it's just the two of us. It felt like we own the world."

Caden smiled. "As you wish, my princess. Let's go home and I'll say it as many times as you want."

She giggled. They were still having some time together when Samantha walked closer to them.

"Alira, are you still coming this Saturday?"

She frowned and then she remembered that she promised to hang out with her friends on Saturday.

"Can Caden join us?" She suddenly asked.

She wasn't sure if what she saw was right, but Samantha's face lit up when she asked if Caden could join them. She felt restless again and she wanted to take back what she said.

"Join where?" Caden asked.

She was about to answer but Samantha stood beside Caden and answered his question.

"We're going to Northbay City Mall, look around and maybe shop. Would you like to join us? The boys from the karaoke bar would join us, and Ace!"

Alira was surprised that Samantha just blurted Ace's name. She turned to Caden and saw his reaction change.

"Y-You don't need to—. I mean, we don't need—"

"Sure. We'll join you." Caden said in a cold tone.

Class ended, but Caden never said anything after Samantha talked to them. She couldn't approach him so she waited until they got home to Queen's.

"Caden!" She ran toward him because he was walking fast ahead of her.

They were in the hallway walking toward their bedrooms. Everyone was currently living at their mansion. Queen's was located in Primrose, the most expensive compound in Northbay City.

Primrose was owned by the four wealthiest men in the city and the king of Flousia—Luke Wilson, Jayden Richards, Percival Jackson, Andrew Cross, and Kyle Hulls. There were only five residences inside and the security was very tight.

"Caden! Are you mad?" She asked.

Caden sighed. "Not to you. To myself."


"I hate it when other men had seen you for the past twelve years, and I did not."

She wanted to laugh when she saw him blush. It was the first time he looked so flushed in front of her.

"Are you jealous?"

He nodded.

She smiled but didn't say anything. She wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her head on his chest. His heart was beating so fast.

"I love you." She said.

Caden also stayed silent and embraced her tight. They were like that for a few minutes when someone interrupted them.

"You shouldn't do that in the hallway."

It was Lucas and behind him was Brie. Caden glared at her brother and pulled her to the side so the two could move forward.

Lucas glanced at them and shook his head. Did he know? She thought inwardly.

Lucas!" She called.

"What?" He frowned.

"I—I can explain."

"Explain what? I'm your twin but I'm still a guy. You don't need to tell me. And I trust both of you. Just use protection!" He exclaimed.

She blushed. He really knew that they already did it.

"How did my brother find out?" She asked Caden.

They were in her bedroom. Caden asked if he could stay for a while so she agreed.

"He suspected it when we didn't return yesterday. He talked to me. I told him he should not worry about you. I promised him I will take care of you."

"What did he say?"

"He got mad at first. But he asked me to make you happy and don't make you cry. I really admire your brother. He was able to protect you."

His tone became sad. And she knew he remembered his sister, Mireya. She moved beside him and touched his cheek.

"Hey, don't blame yourself. It was never your fault."

He smiled and then put his palm on his cheek, touching the top of her hand.

"I felt at peace when I'm with you" He said.