Lucas And Brie Part 1

"Why are you always following me? We're not kids anymore!" He exclaimed.

He was annoyed with the girl who was always behind him. He told her a hundred times to stay away from him, but she never give up.

"I told you, I would never leave your side. I already gave you space when I went to Canada. Now that I'm back, I will stick with you like glue."

"I hate you." He said.

"I know and I don't care." She answered.

Aubrey Tiffany Cross or Brie for short. She was the only daughter of Andrew and Katharina Cross. She was the heiress to Cross Airlines and Cross Realty, and she was a traitor's daughter.

Brie's mother, Katharina or much known as Nina, became an accessory of the mafia to attack the palace. She betrayed her friends and left Brie's father with just a divorce paper.

After four years, she came back with Brie. And just like that, she was forgiven. Brie's parents got back together and were now in Hawaii for a vacation.

But Lucas couldn't forget what Brie's mother did to his parents, especially his twin sister. Alira was traumatized after the attack and had to undergo therapy to forget what happened.

"What are you doing?" He frowned.

Brie was casually looking around his room and touching his things.

"Looking for some girl stuff." She said.

"And why?"

"I was away for quite some time. I'm checking if a girl came into your room."

"Hey, stop it! You have no right to touch my things. You're not my girlfriend!" He yelled.

Brie chuckled. "Not yet. But soon."

Lucas couldn't believe what she said. He knew about Brie's feelings, but he could never accept a traitor's daughter.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't like you?"

She didn't listen and just kept on ignoring him. She sat on the bed and lay down.

"Hey, get up and get out!" He yelled.

He quickly walked toward her to pull her out of the bed. But he was surprised to see her sleeping. He sighed.

"She's exhausted." He whispered.

Instead of waking her up, he removed her boots and carried her gently to the right side of the bed. He hated her for a long time, but he wasn't sure why he never win against her.

He clearly rejected her a lot of times, but it would always end this way. He couldn't leave her alone like that. Whenever she needed help, he was always there. He told himself that he didn't care about her, but every time she calls him, he would go wherever she is.

He tucked her inside the blanket and let her rest on his bed. Brie was the only woman who could sleep on his bed except for his sister. He wasn't sure either, but it just happened.

He stared at the girl and was about to touch her face when he stopped. What was that? Why was he tempted to touch her? It wasn't the first time though. He had a secret and it happened four years ago.

When he first met Brie, she ran away from home but she couldn't leave Primrose because of the tight security. He saw her at the private park they owned and approached her on purpose.

Primrose had a small playground and a mini park a few minutes away from their mansion. In the swing he saw a little girl quietly sobbing while looking at the house below.

He heard she finally met her biological father, and ever since she found out that James was not her real father, she wondered why her parents separated before she was born.

She was happy to see them get back together. But when she learned about the truth of what happened twelve years ago, she felt guilty for her father, friends, families, and people whose lives were lost that day.

She couldn't accept why her mother betrayed everyone and left her father to marry James Santelmo, son of the boss of the Santelmo Clan, another Mafia Clan from Flousia.

"B-But you're still stupid, mom. Daddy loves you. A-And y-your friends seemed nice. Look at Uncle Luke's house! It's h-huge! I-I'm sure he's rich, and daddy has a lot of money, too. Why did you have to be so stupid?" She sobbed.

She knew her mom would scold her for saying those words, but she felt like she needed to at least say it out loud.

"You're the stupid one."

He knew she was startled when she heard someone's voice behind her. She turned to see who it was and there he finally met the traitor's daughter. She had curly brown hair and a pair of hazelnut eyes. He was cute, he admitted to himself.

"You're alone and speaking to yourself. You're stupid." He said.

She sniffled. "W-What do you know of what I've been dealing with to talk to me like that?"

"Well, I know you run away from home. But you can't just go out of Primrose. The guards are all over this place." He said and sat down on the other swing.

"But there are no guards in here." She said, turning her head around the park.

He chuckled. "That's because I asked my dad not to let anyone come in at night. This is my hiding place."

"Y-Your dad? Y-You mean, Uncle Luke?" She asked.

He nodded. Her eyes widened and he knew she finally realized who he was. But he was mesmerized by her eyes so he turned his gaze away from her.

"Y-You're Lucas." She exclaimed.

He didn't know if he would laugh at her reaction. She was wearing a white dress and a mini backpack. She didn't look like a runaway, though. He knew she left without even knowing where she would go.

He sighed and stared at the night sky. He remembered there were a lot of stars that night and the moon was shining brightly, giving a little bit of light to their innocent hearts.