A Different Feeling

Two weeks after Caden's arrival, the made men of the Forelli Clan arrived. She wasn't sure how they were able to enter the country, but she knew everything was done illegally.

Caden asked her to prepare herself because he would introduce her to everyone. She felt glad that he wanted her to be part of his mafia life, but she was still worried.

"Don't worry, they looked dangerous, but they are nice. And they will do everything for you." He said.

She didn't know what to wear in front of Caden's men. But she didn't want to look so girly in front of them. So she decided to wear a white sleeveless top and a black high-waisted pants. Ther she topped it with a black blazer to make her more mature. She put on a red lipstick and a light blush.

"You're stunning. But why do you have to be so pretty in front of other men?" Caden asked Cadenn

"I need to. I don't want them to think that you chose a weak and useless girl." She said.

"Hey, don't say that. You know that's not true. But I was thinking if you want to learn self-defense."

She frowned. "What kind of self-defense?"

"I don't know. There's a lot. You can choose whatever to your liking. Mother learned how to use guns and knives when she was ten. And I also told Caroline to do the same."

"Why?" She asked.

Caden sighed. "Just to prepare. I can't be with you all the time. So I want you to at least learn how to defend yourself. But I'm not forcing you."

She nodded. "I know. But can I think about it?"

"Sure. No rush." He said.

Caden brought her to a nightclub. The place was swarming with different people. She was surprised to see women dancing on top of the table half naked. It was her first time to enter a place like that.

She looked at Caden and it seemed it wasn't his first time entering that place.

A naked woman came closer to them and greeted Caden. She was around five feet six inches with her heels on. She was blonde and had a pair of black eyes.

She frowned when the woman leaned forward and whispered into Caden's ear. Her breasts were already pressed on his chest. Without a word, she suddenly held the woman's shoulder and pushed her away from Caden.

"Hey! You bitch!" The woman yelled because she always fell on the floor.

Caden was surprised by Alira's reaction, but he knew it was his fault. He didn't consider her feelings. It was her first time after all.

They were already attracting too much attention. The woman was humiliated so she rushed toward Alira and was about to slap her.

Caden was supposed to stop her, but he didn't expect Alira to step forward and grabbed the woman by her wrist.

"Who the fuck are you?" The woman asked with gritted teeth.

She chuckled. "You're asking, who I am? I don't have to tell you my name, but get your filthy hands away from my husband."

The woman glanced at Caden who was standing behind them. Her eyes widened when she realized who Alira was.

"I—I'm sorry, miss. I—I didn't know." The woman stuttered.

Alira's gaze was cold and rage was consuming her heart. She pushed the woman and without looking at Caden, she walked ahead of him and quickly went inside one of the VIP rooms.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. She never felt so mad in her life. She heard the door close and she knew it was Caden. She turned to him and glared at him.

"What was that?"


"Stop! Let me talk!" She yelled.

Although Caden was surprised to see her mad, he nodded.

"I agreed to meet your men because I really want to be part of your other life, but if you want me to accept everything, you have to set some limitations for yourself. Caden, I can't allow women to casually touch you. She's naked in front of you for fuck's sake! Please be more considerate of my feelings. I am a jealous woman, I admit. But what can I do? We've been apart for fucking twelve years and then you suddenly appeared telling me you're the boss of a mafia clan. Please don't expect me to take it all in that easily."

Caden sighed. "I know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, please believe me. I didn't consider your feelings."

"That girl, who is she?" She asked.

"Olivia. She works here. This club was originally owned by my grandfather and now it's—"

"It's yours."

He nodded. She took another deep breath. Everything was so fast and it was too overwhelming so she felt like losing her breath. She was suffocating. He's only eighteen but he's already living in the world of adults.

"Alira, if you're not ready for this, I will understand. You don't need to force yourself. I know I'm being selfish in asking you to support me, but you don't need to—"

She raised her hand to stop him. She took another deep breath and stared at him.

"You know I love you and I will do everything for you. I really wanted to do this. This is my choice, but please I can't bear to see some naked woman touching you and her breasts, augh! I hate it! I'm mad! This is the first time I felt so angry!"

Caden quickly walked toward her and held her hands.

"Hey, love. It's okay to feel that way. If you're mad at me, hit me. If you're jealous, yell at me. You have the right to do all that." He whispered.

She looked into his eyes and saw her reflection. She loved seeing herself through his eyes because she felt like she was the only woman for him.

She pouted. "I'm warning you. If something like this happened again, I swear I break any woman's bones."

He wanted to stop himself from laughing, but he couldn't. Alira glared at him when he laughed. Then he pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I love you. You don't how much I love you, Alira. I will break anyone's soul for you." He said.

What he said was scary and she felt Caden suddenly change. It wasn't the first time she felt it. He was sometimes cool and funny, but would eventually change to someone cold and distant.