Meeting The Forelli Clan

The club had a secret door leading to a basement. She assumed it was the clan's hideout when they stayed in the country. She was surprised that there was an elevator behind the door.

Her heart pounded as the elevator door closed and felt it moved.

According to Caden, the club was built thirty years ago, and still operating until now. The name Club Royale was given by Caden's grandmother, Princess Catherine.

She wondered how the princess dealt with her husband's work. She was the only daughter of the king when she met Matthew Forelli. She was supposed to take over the throne, but things happened and she ended up in the hands of Benjamin Miller.

The reason they were entangled by fate with the mafia was because of the royal family. She didn't exactly know how or when it started. But she always thought about finding out the truth behind the Trekker Clan's rage against the royal family.

She heard the elevator stop and when the door opened, men in black suit were lined up in a red-carpeted hallway.

"It's good to see you, boss." A bearded man with a dragon tattoo on his arms greeted Caden.

"Good to see you too, Rock." He said.

When Caden stepped forward, the men bowed to greet their boss.

"Good to see you in good shape, boss." They said in unison.

Caden grabbed her hand and gently pulled her. The men didn't dare to look at them when they walked toward the huge bronze door.

The room they entered was more spacious than the nightclub above. There was a bar counter and a muscular bald man as the bartender. There were tables and chairs across the bar.

A big sofa that can accommodate around twenty people seemed like the receiving area and a black marble center table had given a nice vibe in the room.

She looked around and a lot of the members were men, but she was surprised to see four women standing by the fireplace.

A huge chair with gold embellishments was placed in a platform, enough to see by everyone in the room. Caden pulled her into that area and sat down. Then he tapped his lap while staring at her.

Her eyes widened. "Me? Sit there?"

Caden nodded. She shook her head because everyone's eyes were on them. But he nodded and tapped his lap again. She rolled her eyes and then sat on his lap.

She gasped when she felt his one arm wrapped around her waist and moaned a little when he kissed her neck. She blushed when she saw the men and the four women were looking at them.

"Caden, stop." She said.

"Okay, okay. Sorry." He whispered.

Then his face and aura changed when he turned to his men.

"I want you to meet my fiance, Alira Eleanor Wilson. You will serve and protect her just like how you all protected me." He said.

Everyone bowed again. "Yes, boss. We will risk our lives for her."

Then the four women stepped forward and kneeled in front of them.

"I want you to meet Phoenix, Red, Rogue, and Cleo. They will be included in your security team."

She frowned. "Why? I already have enough bodyguards. I don't think I need more."

Caden pinched her cheek. "They're all men. I want to add women to protect you and besides, they are equally capable like those men." He said while pointing at the men in the room.

"It's nice to finally meet you, princess. We heard so much about you." Phoenix said.

The first woman called Phoenix had red bob-cut hair and amber eyes. She was around twenty-five years old and had a strict aura.

"Me?" She glanced at Caden.

Caden smiled. "Okay, so everyone needs to introduce themselves to you. It won't be easy to memorize their aliases, but don't worry you'll get used to it."

She nodded. The men present were just a quarter of the clan. Some were the ones assigned in this country and some flew all the way from Flousia. She memorized some of their faces and names by looking at their unique features.

"Your names are all aliases?" She asked Phoenix after two hours of meeting all of them. She was on the sofa with the women while Caden was talking to Rock and a guy called Marvel.

Phoenix nodded. "Yes, princess. It's up to us if we will tell someone about our real names. Only the Boss knows about us."

"I see. But can you stop calling me princess? You can just call me Alira." She said.

Red shook her head. "It's your alias. We can't call you by your real name. If anyone finds out, you might get in trouble. That's one of the reasons we don't use our real names. If we're caught by the enemy, they could use our names to catch the others and our family might get in danger."

She found out that Red was two years older than her. She joined the mafia when she was fifteen when Matthew Forelli saved her from prostitution. She was called Red because it was the color of the birthmark on her left cheek.

"Okay. But can't you think of a different name? I mean, my engagement with Caden was announced so calling me princess is too obvious." She commented.

The girls glanced at each other and then looked at Caden.

"Boss always calls you his princess so that's why we became used to it." Red said.

"What did he tell you about me?" She asked curiosity piqued.

"That you're his angel. He's alive because of you and he always feels at peace seeing your smile." Cleo whispered.

Cleo had brown hair and green eyes. She was the prettiest among the four and the most quiet.

"Oh! How about angel? Let's call her angel!" It was Rogue—a girl who loved playing video games and was the most cheerful among the girls.

"Angel?" Caden interrupted them.

The four didn't say a word and she felt they were scared of Caden.

"I want my alias to be Angel. I don't want to be called princess. I'm your angel after all, right?" She said while giving him the sweetest smile.