Chapter 35

"It's a deal then. If you win, I'll give you a thousand gold coins; if I win, I get to have you for a night."

"Hmph... don't get so cocky. I saw your fights earlier. You're no big deal."

"I see..." he said with a smirk. Then returning back to a casual smile, he announced, "Then let's start. Referee!"

"Umu... Both of you, on your grounds!"

Waiting for the signal, both of us readied our stances. Julian switched his rapier for a common sword and he took a stronger stance compared to the arrogant one he had when he fought earlier. Nonetheless, he was still full of openings.

I'm confident I would win, but I felt a little uneasy by the calm demeanor Julian was showing. By the expression on his face, he doesn't seem to be on much guard.

"Then... start!"

With that call, I rushed and dashed towards Julian with a big swing of my sword. Thinking I could get the opportunity to beat him right away when he's acting so cocky and has a lot of openings, I started with a big attack.


To my utter disbelief, Julian redirected my sword easily with his own. His movement was small, but it has just enough strength to parry my swing.


Since my attack was big, I was left with a big opening on my chest. My breasts jiggled along as my arm flew backwards away with my sword.

"Incredible!" Julian exclaimed. "Truly incredible! But that won't get me distracted! It's over!"

"Not so fast!"

Just as Julian was about to thrust his sword, I leaped backwards with the smallest force I could gather with my feet on the ground.

"Tsk! That was close..."

"You underestimate me too much. I'm not an amateur you would defeat with that kind of attack."

"I see that now... but don't think that was my best attack."

Taking the same stance again, I prepared once more. Julian seems to be underestimating me and has no intention of making the first move, so I'll take the initiative again. This time, I'll come slow, and wait for him to mess up.

"Haaaa!" with a shout, I slashed at him.

Time have passed, and Julian was still continuing to block and parry my attacks without attacking himself. His movements were minimal, so he's not exhausting himself much... me on the other hand.

"Haa... haa...! You're good."

He's definitely the best I ever faced so far. All the swordsman I fought so far were elves, so this is the first time I'm against the swordsmanship of a human... My abilities are far better than the average human, I'm confident of that. I could beat the guys Julian fought earlier in a heartbeat... but why did he still took that much time fighting them?

Does that mean he was not showing his full strength? Why? Was he planning on hiding his true abilities? No... he was just entertaining himself and the audience in those fights. That's why he did not defeat them any shorter than a minute.


He's stronger than I thought. If that is the case, can I still beat him? I'm getting anxious of this... I bet my virginity as a woman on this... over pride and money!

"Are you getting agitated? Your swings are getting more wild and heavier."

"Body enhancement magic!"

With that shout, I listed as many enhancement magic on myself. I also threw in a few to boost the durability of my sword.

"Geh! That's not fair!"

For the first time, the composed expression on Julian's face turns to panic.

With the enchancements, all attacks I made sent arcs of sharp wind. One hit and it's all over. I know it's unfair, but I don't think I can win with swordsmanship alone. I need my magic. As long as it's enhancement magic and not anything directly offensive, it's allowed in a duel.

"S-so the rumours of elves being outstanding at magic was true!"

All Julian could do was dodge away. If he blocked my sword strengthened with magic, he would fly away from the impact and his sword would simply break.



"Don't think you're the only one who can do magic!" Julian shouted as he successfully blocked my sword.

"Boost: Physical?"

Not just that, he casted an enhancement on his sword too.

"I may not be as knowledgeable at magic as an elf, but I still know a few enhancement magic... if I didn't, I wouldn't be a sword master."

A-a sword master!?

This is bad... I'll lose if I don't give it my all! Those people they call sword masters are the peak of swordsmanship in this world. They are the equivalents of sorcerers in the elf country. They are the strongest.

"Don't get yourself distracted!"

As I got lost in my thoughts, Julian's sword came thrusting forward at me. I was able to deflect it in time, but another one came right away from the side. His speed is no joke... it looks like he's showing all he's got this time.

I managed to dodge his sword by ducking my head. I knew there were still strikes coming, so I jumped away from him to rest and think. However...

"You're not getting away!"

Julian followed me with a single leap. His sword came downwards this time, so when I blocked, gravity did its thing and pulled me on the ground. But before he strikes again, I rolled to the side and immediately stood up.

Bad... this is seriously bad!

"Haa... haa...!"

"Your breathing is getting heavier now... tired? Then, I'll take this opportunity!"

Again, our swords crossed. I was the one initiating the attacks at the beginning of the fight, but this time, Julian took over and is now trying to pin me over to the corner of the stage.


"My victory is guaranteed now!"

"Noooo! I won't give my virginity to a cliche cocky noble dick! Wind magic: Invisible strike!"

Casting offensive magic is not allowed in a duel of swords, but I think it's fine as long no one sees it! I think Julian heard me cast it, but I'm sure no one else did.

I've never been this low and desperate in my life. But my dignity as a man is on the line... and I won't let those elves who properly tried to court me get cucked by this guy!



Julian got struck at the chest with my magic and backed away. It wasn't strong enough to actually hurt him, but it was enough to open up his defense.

"You dirty...!"

Sure of my victory, I swing my sword at Julian. He tried to raise his sword to block it, but it was already too late.

"The... the winner is! I can't believe it! The winner is the elf challenger!"

Ah... that's right, I forgot to tell them my name.

"Julian-sama lost?"

"Did he really lose to that elf?"

"That elf is amazing!"

When the announcer declared my win, the crowd erupted in cheers.


I lowered my sword and stared at Julian with a smile I forced myself to make. I can feel the side of my mouth twitch from the awkwardness. He was really angry, and his eyes is crying murder. I'm sure he knows I cheated on him, and I felt terrified at what he would say next. I'm sure he would want to get back at me...

"You... you don't have to give me that one thousand gold coins you promised... let's just forget about that, okay?"

"No... you won. Don't think of declining it now, I'll give it to you. Although you used an underhanded tactic, you still won."

"I-is that so...?"

"I can't give the coins to you right now, so how about you come to my mansion and I'll give it to you there."

"Are you sure it's safe...?"

He wouldn't have his men ambush me or something when we get there, right?

Seemingly understanding what I was thinking, Julian heaved a heavy sigh and assured me there won't be anything like I was thinking.

I didn't want to accept the reward after a dirty win, but Julian's determined eyes and forceful tone forced me to. So, after a farewell to the cheerful crowd, I followed him to his mansion.

I did not expect my first day at the city to be like this...