Chapter 36

After the fight, Julian took me to a carriage that was already prepared for him. The interior was spacious, so we sat afar each other. Because of what happened in the duel, I was timid and awkward, so he took the initiative to talk about himself and the city.

It turned out that Julian was the heir to a count's family, and he was making appearances in the public eye to spread his name to the people. Since he would govern this city in the future, he was recommended to do so by his father. It seems that Julian was already known in the city for his swordsmanship, but he said it would be better if the people saw it with their own eyes. He said that it would increase his reputation as the next ruler of this city.

It crossed my mind before we fought, but it looks like he really was a big deal.

When we arrived at the mansion, we were welcomed by a butler. That butler led us to the doors and let us in. When we entered, we were then greeted by a line of maids, all wearing the same uniform.

Uwaa... they're all beautiful! I must admit... Julian has good tastes. But does he really need so many of them?

After that, along with the butler, two maids took us to the living room. They gestured me to sit on the sofa, where a glass table was. Julian sat before me, and I sat across him after.

"You there, bring out a bag of a thousand gold coins."

"Umu," the butler nodded right away and left.

"Now then, let's skip formalities and start."

"A... Alright..."

"You mentioned earlier that you don't want to take the coins, but I insist. Whether you won or not, I want to give it to you as an investment for a good relationship in the future."

"I-I see..."

"With that amount, you can live in luxury in this city for an entire year." he boasted. Then with a grin, he spoke arrogantly, "My family is the wealthiest in this city. An amount like that is cheap change."

This guy... did he really bet against my virginity as a woman for cheap change? Any sense of guilt I felt after cheating on him in that duel immediately went away when he admitted that.

"Oh... that glare again... are you still angry at me? I know I forced you to duel me, but I really wanted to test you out after seeing you. It's rare for elves to visit our city... when I saw that sword on your hips, I knew I should challenge you. I also didn't really want to throw you out the city, but I needed to corner you. If you're angry about that, I apologize."

So he really wasn't serious about that? I should've just ran away from that duel then? Still, I didn't expect him to apologize... granted, his tone was still annoying.

"You just arrived in this city, right? Then, I'll recommend you the best inn to stay at. You said you don't want to stay in their most expensive room, but you can still go for their cheapest."

"I guess I can do that too..."

As long as it's not too much, I can stay there. I was not born to a rich family in both lives I lived, so I'm not used to anything too grand. And it's not like I'll really be able to maintain a life of luxury. I don't have work where I can get steady income yet.

"As for work... I can offer you one in our state. The best option is to become a maid. I would prefer you to be my personal maid. If you don't want that, you can be my secretary instead... even if you aren't that knowledgeable, maybe you can learn as you work."

Why is he talking as if it's already decided I would work for him?

"If you think you can't do that too, then you can still work for me as a bodyguard."

"Uhh... No, I'm not planning on working for anyone."


Again, like he just heard the stupidest thing in the world, he stared at me with a shocked expression.

"I heard there was an adventurer guild in this city."

"Tsk... are you planning on working as an adventurer?" suddenly, his calm and arrogant demeanor changes. He sounded angry and disgusted.

What...? I thought adventurers were revered people in this world? Even at the orphanage, we learned that they were strong individuals who fought monsters in exchange of rewards. In games in my previous life too, they were like that.

To be honest, Julian's offer was too good... but I always dreamed of becoming an adventurer when I got reborn in this world. I mean, that does sound better than becoming a maid or a secretary of an arrogant noble.

"You want to become one of those stinking adventurers? Those people are nothing more than glorified bandits. Parasite to the country. What they do, the knights are already doing a thousand years ago."

He obviously hates adventurers. The spite in his eyes was clear to see as he talks about them.

"They plunder the money of the common people. Asking for rewards when the knights are doing the same thing for free. A lot of issues regarding their personalities too! They grew too arrogant and are now thinking they have the status of nobles like us. If they see a pretty elf girl like you enter their doors, you'll get devoured."

Eh? If he's thinking I would get beaten, then he must've forgot I beat him in a duel earlier. But if he meant the word "devour" in a different sense, then...

"Female adventurers are treated like servants in the guild, worst, toys for the higher ranking male adventurers. Most women that become adventurers have no other choice but to become one in the first place, all because of poverty. There are cases of a few swordswomen and female mages making it far, but they are rare."

Then Julian continues on with a long explanation. Slowly as he did, my head turned pale from the absurdities I heard.

Imagining my drink getting spiked by a rough looking dude and then getting taken to bed almost made me hurl.

"With your skills, you can easily get accepted as a city knight instead."

"Here it is, Julian-sama," the butler came back with the sack of gold coins in hand.

"Umu. Here, accept it," Julian took the bag and slid it to my direction.

"Th-thank you..."

"I'll have a servant take you to the inn I recommend. You can think about my job offer for you there. There's no better choice."

"I see..."

I don't think I'll accept his offer, but it's still a good option to have just in case.

"Then, can I go now?"

"I'll see you again, Eria."

He really went and took away any distance between us right from the bat, huh? This guy is so full of himself.

Finally, I stood up and turned away. The maids were ready to guide me out of the room, but with a momentary pause, they halted too.

"Eto... I'm just wondering... for someone who cheated on you in a duel, you're treating me generously. Why?"

"Fufu... I guess a secluded elf like you wouldn't understand," he said with his usual arrogant tone. "I want to have you as a mistress."


"It's unfortunate, really. Being my wife would've been better... but conception between a human and an elf is extremely rare, an heir being born between the two of us would be uncertain."

Wha... what is this guy saying!?

"Haa... being the most beautiful woman in the world would be enough for me to want to take you as my mistress, but you being an elf... fufu... it couldn't get any better. Even when I turn old, you as my partner, will remain with the same beautiful appearance. You will not wither unlike any other woman! They all pale in comparison to you!"


Hearing his extreme claims... I wasn't able to keep myself composed anymore. This guy really is a dick.

Even though I was the one who asked, what he said was still not something you would say to someone you just met for the first time. Well, at least he was honest... I'm not really good at reading the intentions of people, so that was good for me.

"If I got to have you as my mistress, I'll even treat you better than my official wife."

"You're beyond help."

"A woman like you wouldn't understand the desires of a man like me."


I wanted to reply, to say I was a man too, but that would only make me sound crazy, so I did not.

"See you."

"That's right, I will see you again soon," Julian bid farewell again as I walked away.