Wolf With No Tail 5


Log was restless as he sat on the table in my room. He's making strange noises while staring intensely at everything his eyes comes across to.

I placed the food I cooked on the table for each of us. The food was nothing special, it's the same thing I cook when I'm alone and don't have the energy to eat outside. Despite that, Log seem to like it very much, as he immediately munched on it in a rush.

As an orphan, he didn't seem to develop any manner of etiquette. His eating was vulgar, but it doesn't bother me, he's still thankful for it after all.

Usually, kids like Log who you would see in the streets live in the slums with their families, while they try to earn money so they can all survive. Log doesn't seem to have any relatives left, so the smartest thing he could have done was to rely on an orphanage to take care of him. However, Log decided to live on his own instead. When I asked him why, his answer was that he was already an adult and his pride won't allow him to do so.

Although his tail has been cut to its roots, Log is still a wolfkin. I can understand that reasoning of his, no matter how illogical it might sound.

However, when I heard more of his story, I learned that was not all there is to it. It seems that the real reason he isn't in an orphanage was because of discrimination. Since this is a human country, mixed races like Log were not being prioritize and they were not being treated as well as the others. Log seem to understood that, and he decided to take care of himself instead.

After finishing his explaination, he proudly declared that he's a lone wolf and he starts munching on his food again.

"A lone wolf, huh?"

They're not exactly the same, but one of my first companions in this world was a werewolf who also had the same bearings. He was a slave when I first met him, but in the time we spent together, he was able to exact his revenge on everyone who did him wrong, and he freed all his fellow slaves he came across to along the way. In the end, he was treated as a hero.

It would be nice if I could introduce Log to him. They're very similar. Maybe that's also another reason I took a liking to Log? He reminded me so much of him...

"Hm? Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked Log with a chuckle.

He just finished downing his food, and he is now staring intently at me, barely blinking at all. Reading the expression on his face, I figured that he simply got something he wants to say but couldn't. Or at least, he's still gathering the will to speak it.

Finding his inner turmoil adorable, I simply waited and did not do anything unecessary to push him into action. Fortunately, it did not take him long to decide to speak on his own.

"U-um... Lady Eria... You see, my race is a wolfkin, so I..."

Because of his nervousness, he was stuttering and he was messing up his words. Still, he pushed through to properly convey his thoughts.

"I-I'm looking for a mate... You're the only female who don't look at me badly, that's why... I want you to be that..."


"Kah! But that's not the only reason! I-it's also because you're pretty and strong! The males of my kind prefer those traits more than anything else for a female..."

I was not expecting him to ask that of me at all... That's right... he is, after all, he's one of those races...

Strong demi-human races like Log's are incredibly polarizing and selfish. They will let out their thoughts without hesitation and they will act on them. In short, they are a very straightforward bunch.

Still, I didn't think he would ask an older woman like me to be his mate. But then again... he is in that age...

"It seems you're serious about asking me that, so I will tell you the truth," I calmly replied, "I'm not interested in boys who are shorter than me..."

He needs to be an adult first to enter my strike zone. I'm not interested in becoming a shotacon.

That answer seem to have come as a shock to Log. He's now paralyzed on his seat, unmoving. But I showed no mercy and continued on.

"And you say that you're an adult, yet you're barely even surviving on your own? How are you going to take care of me if you can't even take care of your self?" I flicked his forehead and said.


Again, Log's expression worsen, and he stayed silent for a few moment with a pout on his cheeks. It looks like he accepts my logic, but I think he might cry out any time soon.

Feeling bad, I tried to console him a little.

"Don't be like that... Aren't wolfkins supposed to be strong?"

Log's eyes slowly lit up when I said those words.

As I thought, he's easy...

Lifting up his face, he stares directly at me again. His eyes were sharp and serious, and yet, the atmosphere I'm seeing around him was still that of an innocent child.

"Lady Eria!" he shouted out. "T-the truth is...! I'm not really that strong... I'm still weak... That's why... I want to train!"

I can practically see fire in his eyes. He's surprising motivated for someone who looked so terrible just a few seconds ago.

"You're strong, Lady Eria... So, um... can you please teach me!"