Mansion Threesome 1

Once again, I've been abruptly called into baron Heldrick's mansion. He promised me before that the lecture I did for his knights was a one time deal, so I was confused on why he called me for a second time.

"Fuu... I supposed we shouldn't waste any more of our time on small talks."

The old noble put down the tobacco in his mouth, indicating the end of our current conversation and the start of a new one.

"I apologize for calling you here again, but the result of your training with my knights has been tremendous, I just needed to convince you to work for me one last time."

So it's for that reason? It turns out the work I was lacking confidence of had been evaluated nicely...

"Say if there's anything you want, I'll provide it for you," Baron Heldrick spread his arms wide and declared.

"As I said before, I don't have anything I want in particular... I'm satisfied with what I have now. Hm... but even if you have something that I want, you still wouldn't be able to convince to stay in this town," I explained in honesty.

"Hm... is that so? Then, I guess it couldn't be help..."

To my surprise, Baron Heldrick seem to have given up just like that. He was so persistent before, so I didn't expect him to give up so easily.

He gently shook his head when he noticed the look on my face. Then, he showed a knowing expression, as if to say that he understands what's on my mind.

"Oh, I didn't call you here just for that. They'll come here soon, and I wanted to introduce you to them..."

When he said that, the door to the office room suddenly opened, and out comes two good-looking men in suits. Just like Baron Heldrick, they have red hair, and their bodies stand out well from the others.

"Speaking of which! Welcome, my sons!" the father greeted his two sons and beckoned them to seat on the sofa across me.

So they're his sons... Baron Heldrick, just what is he planning to do, introducing them to me?

I intently look at the old noble. The two brothers caught me looking at him like that, but the person himself didn't seem to notice.

"Father, this is?" the younger-looking one of the two brothers nonchalantly asked.

"I was just about to introduce her. No, that's not it... Eria, let me introduce you to these two... These are my sons, the eldest and the second eldest," he enthusiastically introduces them, meanwhile telling me all their achievements and the little details of their personalities.

"That's embarrassing of you to show us off like that to a random woman," the second son comments.

"Fufu... don't be like that brother... You, you seem important... are you a princess in the elf kingdom?" the eldest son turns and casually asks.

I look at Baron Heldrick, wordlessly asking if I could speak. When he noticed, he immediately nodded to give me permission.

"No, I'm not a princess, I'm just an ordinary citizen. With that being said, I'm still a high ranking adventurer."

"I'm sure you heard of her. She's the one making rounds in our town to take care of any strong monsters lurking in our vicinity."

Baron Heldrick explained the rest. Although he sounds stern and calm, I can sense that he's actually excited about telling my exploits to them.

When he finished, the two brothers were left flabbergasted. They were stunned, and now they were staring wildly at me. Not minding my presence, they casually shared their thoughts to each other.

"This fragile-looking woman? It can't be..."

"No, if you look at her carefully, she's actually surprisingly well-built."

"As the sons of my household, you should be aqcuiented with her. She's been an incredible benifit for us, so you should all get along well," their father insisted.

So this is what he was planning to do? He's playing matchmaker for his sons? How shameless, considering one of them already has a wife and a few mistresses, while the other has a fiancee.

"Hey, you're pretty. Want to be my mistress?" the eldest son asked with a grin.

"Sorry, but I'm not..."

Before I could answer, however, another person entered the room and interrupted. My eyes widened when I saw who it was. Our eyes met, and as if on reflex, I turned to look away.


Understanding the situation, he chose to ignore me, and he went towards Baron Heldrick instead.

"Yo, dad..."

"Nero... I didn't think you would actually come..."

Baron Heldrick genuinely looked surprised by the sudden appearance of Nero. From his words, it looks like he was the one who invited him in the first place... so what is he so surprised about?

The words that came out of Nero's mouth next answered that question...

"Since it's the same woman who stole my job, I thought I should come and see her..."

"Right... it is like that after all..." Baron Heldrick mumbled quietly, before facing me again to explain, "This one here is also one of my sons... He's quite troublesome, but I do hope you would get along with him well too."

I saw Nero smirk when he heard what his father said. I can pretty much guess what is in his mind...