Some of the looks were filled with pity, others with scorn, and some a mix of both. After all, although this store wasn't exclusively for rich people, the majority of people who came in were at least middle class. Only those people would need travel supplies, as there was little point in buying any if you could not afford a carriage.
Of course, there were people who paid to travel along with others such as merchant caravans, but even they usually had the decency to dress well when entering.
The Imperial Scholar and Skymender, however, did not even seem to have showered within the last week before entering.
The Imperial Scholar walked up to the front desk, where an indifferent lady stood. The Imperial Scholar reached into the back of his clothes and fumbled around for a while, before pulling out a bag.
All eyes were still on them as he placed the bag on the table, making a large clanking sound.
"Give me enough preserved food to last two years." He said.
Though they did not have two years left in their travels, it was best to have some extra.
The woman, clearly not expecting much, opened the bag. However, the shine of the gold nearly made her close her eyes. Her indifferent expression faded away instantly, replaced by shock.
Nearby, everyone else looked the exact same.
"Yes sir." She said before turning around and snapping at a few attendants. They quickly walked into the back, where they filled up bags with preserved food.
The woman began to take a few gold coins out. She moved carefully. Eventually, she had taken ten gold coins out. She then fumbled down below her, where she kept change.
The Imperial Scholar waved his hand. "Keep the change. I don't carry silver. Have those boys carry the bags to my carriage."
The woman nodded without daring to refute.
As the Imperial Scholar and Skymender walked out, five boys carrying bags as big as themselves walked to their carriage behind them.
They placed them inside of the carriage before bowing and leaving. The Imperial Scholar did not waste any more time in this royal capital. With their food reserves filled, they left, once again on the road.
Skymender regretted not being able to see the looks of shock in the people's faces at the store, but he had been able to hear their gasps, at least.
They continued on the road, Skymender becoming increasingly more proficient at living blind. In addition, the knowledge taught to him by the Imperial Scholar was becoming increasingly complicated and specific, as if he had almost learned everything.
Indeed, he had been taught just about everything. He found it difficult to name anything he hadn't learned.
"I never had a worthy predecessor to guide me, which wasted many years of my life. It was the same for the other Imperial Scholar's that managed to reach my level. You will be the first with the potential to surpass us all." The Imperial Scholar said.
In the past few days, he seemed to be reflecting on life more, as if he was reaching the end of his life. Skymender knew that he didn't have much time left. Hopefully, he would at least be able to reach the Imperial Capital once again. As for the last Imperial Scholar Camp, it was unlikely to commence.
Soon, around another year passed, and the weather got even hotter. Their water reserves seemed to be running thin, though they were able to replenish it with every rain. Unfortunately, as they got closer to the desert, the rain was increasingly rare, and when it did rain, it was light.
However, much more would be changing soon.
"We are about to reach the Sunspot Gateway. It acts as a sort of hub for those entering or exiting the desert. Although it is called a gateway, it is really just a large city. There, we will store the carriage. After all, we cannot take the animals or the carriage itself onto the desert sands. Instead, we will ride camels."
Skymender nodded. Two days later, they arrived. Since this was not an Empire or Kingdom of any sort, but an outpost, there were no guards at the entrance.
There was only one figure of authority here, the gatekeeper. He was a rank 4 Sword Master, once a valued member of some Empire.
However, for unknown reasons, he had left and taken charge over the outpost, which nobody except criminals minded. After all, it was a criminal outpost before his arrival.
The Imperial Scholar and Skymender entered the city. They found a storage place, and rented carriage storage for two years, just in case. Then, they went out and bought two camels. They technically only needed one, but it was better to have more room for supplies.
"Out in the desert, you don't have to worry about much when controlling the camels. Just make sure they go in the right direction. You could do it blind."
Skymender nodded. They got a bunch of supplies, among which was a large amount of water. This water was a large barrel tied onto a sled. The two camels would pull it along. After all, the desert was large, and water was scarce. The Imperial Scholar purchased a map of all the outposts and areas with water in the desert.
They got a few more things before requesting an audience with the gatekeeper. Skymender didn't understand why until the Imperial Scholar explained.
"If anyone knows where the Western Monks are in this place, it will be him."
The gatekeeper agreed to see him. It was rare for anyone to request an audience with him, as nobody dared to waste his time.
The Imperial Scholar pulled out a few pieces of gold as soon as the man entered the room.
"We need to find the Western Monks." He said.
The gatekeeper nodded.
He took the gold and spoke. "As far as I am aware, the Western Monks are at oasis four. However, I cannot 100% verify this information."
The Imperial Scholar nodded. "That is enough, thank you."
It was a simple matter quickly concluded. They set off towards oasis four, following a chain of outposts and oasis's along the way.