Seeing Through the World - 710

On a camel, Skymender finally got to control an animal again. Of course, the Imperial Scholar had to occasionally yell at him to redirect, but for the most part he did alright. 

Most of their stuff, such as food and money, were on the camels, while their water was on the barrel being dragged. 

The Imperial Scholar had already drawn a path towards oasis four, in which they should be able to make it safely. 

They trudged through the desert for three days straight. On the first night, the temperature fell drastically. 

They had to wrap up in blankets and coats in order to continue, while the camels, used to the drastic change in temperature, continued on steadily. Occasionally, they stopped to make some food or drink some water. On the second day, they had to stop and sleep. 

Nearing the end of the third day, they saw a large body of water ahead. To call it large anywhere else would be nonsensical, but in the desert, it was the largest that bodies of water got. 

Arriving at the oasis, they had to pay a fee of one silver. This was the biggest issue with desert travel, as every stopping place had extravagant fees. 

In normal circumstances, the Imperial Scholar would have just tossed a gold coin, but he seemed to dislike the people who ran the system of stopping points. 

He specially carried a bag of silver with him just to pay the fees. 

"These people are the greediest of all. It is better to not give them any more than necessary." He said.

Skymender nodded.

All that the fee allowed them to do was set up around the lake and refill their water. Anything else had to be purchased additionally. 

They rested there for the day and left after filling up their water reserve. 

The next point was five days of travel away. Nothing interesting happened on their way, and they made it safely.

They rested before setting off. The next place they reached was not an oasis, but a campground. They had water transported from elsewhere. 

This was to bridge the gap between two oases, which were ten days apart. Although the fee of one silver for every place they arrived at was a lot, they wouldn't be able to travel without some of the things set up.

Their journey continued for two weeks before they arrived at oasis four. However, the Western Monks were not there. Upon asking some questions and paying some money, they learned that the Western Monks had moved to oasis five just three days ago.

After resting a day, they set off for oasis five. Oasis five was farther away than any of the other oases so far, a 15 day ride. 

Luckily, there was once again a campground in between.

After seven days, they arrived at the campground. Skymender had hoped to find them there, but they had stayed for two days before leaving, making Skymender and the Imperial Scholar only a day late. 

They continued towards oasis five, and eight days later, arrived. As they approached, the Imperial Scholar could clearly see a group of around twenty people, all bald and wearing robes, meditating in a circle.

The Imperial Scholar was excited, and when he told Skymender what he saw, Skymender was excited as well. 

They arrived at the oasis and paid the fee.

The Imperial Scholar guided Skymender over, and stood next to the group of meditating monks.

He did not speak, but out of respect, waited patiently. After a few minutes, the monks opened their eyes. They turned to Skymender and the Imperial Scholar. 

One of them spoke. "Hello, friends. How can we help you?"

The Imperial Scholar spoke. "Hello, Western Monks. I am Fei Luzi, the Imperial Scholar of the Faceless Empire. This is Skymender, the future Imperial Scholar of the Faceless Empire. In an unfortunate attack, he was blinded. We came across the continent, hoping that you could help."

After speaking, the Imperial Scholar pulled out an entire bag of gold. This was everything he had, saving only the bare minimum to return to the Faceless Empire.

The monk in charge waved his hand. "There is no need for payment, Mr. Fei Luzi. We have no desire for material wealth. Unfortunately, we cannot heal blindness."

The Imperial Scholar spoke. "I heard of a technique used to see without eyes." 

The monk in charge nodded. "Indeed. In our history, such an art has been passed down. However, it has been a century since anyone has succeeded in learning it. If you truly wish, we can teach you it, but understand that nobody here has ever successfully comprehended it. If you wish to learn it, we can only teach you the information passed down."

The Imperial Scholar nodded, as did Skymender. 

The monk in charge spoke. "Then come with us. I suppose you will be staying for a while."

Skymender and the Imperial Scholar bowed, deeply grateful to the monks. It was as the stories told. They were compassionate and helpful.

The monks scooted aside, clearing a spot for Skymender and the Imperial Scholar. They sat in the circle, as a monk began to talk. It was a different monk, not the monk in charge.

"To see without eyes is something considered magical. Yet it is an ability that can be learned by anyone."

Another monk spoke. "This seeing is different from seeing with the eyes. The eyes see with light, but this seeing is seeing with the world."

Another monk chimed in. "This seeing is to see using vibrations in the ground. It is much more difficult on the sand than it is on normal ground. However, if you can learn it on the sand, then you can use it on any solid ground."

Yet another monk spoke. "This technique cannot be used while in the air, and it cannot see something in the air. It is the same with water. Now take off your shoes."

Skymender did as he was told.

"Stand on the ground, feel the ground, understand the ground. From now on, if you want to see, you will never wear shoes again."

Skymender waited for more, but nobody spoke.