Overlapping plot

I peeked through the small space between food containers and saw people seated by the side of the road, all looking ragged and hungry.

The beast attack started as early as after midnight and most of these people had run away from their homes to take shelter and refuge close to the Duchy.

It wasn't long before the horse wagon came to a stop, I sneakily got down with a light thud and hid at the side. A few knights and the Duchy servants stood around distributing food and a few necessities.

My eyes scanned around the place and I caught sight of a few knights collecting weapons and horses, probably to go back to continue the fight at the square.

I quickly followed the direction they went to, the places I passed had almost been completely abandoned and wrecked.

Another large beast attack did not take place in the original novel, which meant that things were going against the main plot or rather the first event was shifted because of my sudden interference.

I hid from any knight I saw so as to avoid being sent back, I covered my head with the hood of my cloak and ran to where the real commotion was happening. 

A few dead beasts laid on the road where I passed by and a few wounded knights too.

I finally got to the square, breathing hard due to all the running, but my heart lurched and my stomach turned at the sight in front of me. 

Bodies and a bloody square... just like the dream I had.

I only had one worry,


If she died I would not be able to leave this world... and not just that, I just can't bear to lose her. She might be a fictional character but she was more than that to me... she was a sister.

Screams and a deafening cacophony of beast growls assaulted my ears, my eyes watered when I saw lost children running around, but this wasn't a time to panic or to be fear-stricken. 

I avoided the beasts and knights as much as I could, while searching around for the female lead, Accorsa. 

After a long search, I finally found her, but unlike the dream I had, Accorsa stood tall with her sword in her hand as she fought off multiple beasts like the strong Duchess she would be.

A smile of relief graced my lips and my eyes quivered.

Pretty Sister is alive!

I could rest easy now, I hid behind a carriage that had been overturned and watched my female lead fight. I wanted to help but I knew there was nothing I could do, I would be nothing but a flimsy distraction. 

Accorsa fought the group of beasts in no time and she turned around, she glanced towards my direction but quickly ran off.

I sneakily followed behind her from a safe distance. Accorsa helped a wounded knight up and dealt with the beast.

The borders of the Dukedom must have been conquered by beasts for them to have reached the main square.

I was caught up in my thoughts and forgot to hide when Accorsa turned back.

My eyes met her pairs of golden eyes and she scowled, she threw her sword at me and my eyes widened in shock at the velocity of which the sword came at me.

I fell on my butt in shock and the sword flew past me. I turned around and a wolf-like beast laid dead behind me with Accorsa's silver sword buried deep in its chest.

She saved me, she was never trying to kill me.

What a relief!!

I turned back to look at Accorsa, and then I realised that she had sacrificed her sword to save me.

 A sea reptile-like beast stood behind her and whipped the defenceless Accorsa away with its tail. Her body flew and landed on a wagon filled with hay.

My eyes quivered in shock and I lost all rationality. 

'Everything...everything was because of me. If only I had stayed put.'

I ran to where she fell.

The person laying in the haystack was bloodied, probably because the beast had strong skin like a crocodile, but Accorsa's body was bloodied, the wagon was broken in two due to the force of momentum. 

Her crouched beside her, the female lead was now barely breathing, her eyes were closed shut, probably unconscious.

Anxiety rose in me and my heart pounded with both fear and panic. The emotions I felt were mixed and I couldn't even think properly. 

I forgot about the beast, not like I cared about the beast. The only thing in my head was saving Accorsa... but there was nothing I could do. 

I was going to lose her, like brother, like my only best friend, like mom... like everyone else.

Tears poured down my eyes, my small body shook in tears.

Accorsa was barely breathing but I couldn't let her die, she was... she is my sister.

"I'm useless. There's nothing I can do, I'm useless. I'm sorry for being useless, please forgive me. Don't leave me here...please!" Tears poured out uncontrollably from my eyes.

"Please, Grant my wish one more time. Save my sister, Please." I cried to whoever brought me into this world. 

"If you could grant my wish of taking me away from the real world then please grant this wish. Hic..." 

"Damn! What I'm I doing here?" A voice suddenly said from behind me. A handsome young man with bright red hair and light golden eyes stood behind me. 

He looked around the surroundings like he was new to the area. But I didn't spare him another glance.

"Did you call me, crying child?" The man asked again from behind me.

"I-I didn't." I replied between sobs.

"You crying lying child, you did! I can clearly feel the energy from you." The man yelled again.

At this moment, I completely lost my cool and yelled back at him.

"Shut up, can't you see that she's dying! Hic..."

The man sighed and turned around, he placed his hand on his forehead and sighed again.

"Move away." He suddenly said,


"Argh, this child." He gently pushed me to the side and placed a hand on Accorsa's head.

"What-what are you doing?"

He ignored my question and instead said, "You owe me one, kid."

A bright light shone from his hand and enshrouded Accorsa's whole body.


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