Feeling of foreboding

I was alone in my room when I woke up the next day, my eyes were still blurry from the tears and from just waking up from a long sleep.

The light penetrating from the window shone on my face, the memories of the previous night rushed back into my head.

I now had time to think about the song Accorsa sang, it was the song my mother sang to me and brother when I was younger in the real world, and there was no way Accorsa should know that song unless my real mother had learnt it from a novel...

But, it shouldn't be so similar.

Remembering my mother brought back tears to my eyes, she didn't even live for long before leaving us.

I had to ask Accorsa how she came to know that song.

I got out of bed and rubbed my eyes, the memories of the dream I had the previous night was foggy like it was just a phase or something my brain just made up to scare me.

I resisted the urge to sleep more and instead called a maid to help me prepare to meet Accorsa. 


"Yes Yes. Eat more." Irene stuffed more food into my mouth.

I gulped down everything and quickly pushed it down with water.

"Big sister, where is pretty sister?" I asked after I dropped the glass on the table.

"Pretty Sister is handling some important matters with Sir Caleb now. Why don't we go see her later, hmm?" Irene suggested but I still couldn't calm my heart even though I nodded in agreement. 

Somehow the happenings of yesterday made me feel so much closer to Accorsa than ever before. I felt like I know her now even more than when I read the original novel. 

I was quick to finish my meal, so Irene left soon after I was done.

Mariana and Yvonne came in immediately after Irene left.

"Are you okay, Tatiana?" Mariana asked calmly and came to sit at my side while Yvonne just stood by the door and watched.

"Of course I am, who said I wasn't?"

"Lady Accorsa said you were sick and lonely."

Ha, she said that?

How believable. 

I turned to Yvonne and called her lightly, "Yvonne."

"Good morning, Lady Tatiana." Yvonne bowed slightly, putting on her usual cool face.

"Do you by any chance have any information on Lady Accorsa's whereabouts?"

"We have been ordered not to disclose that information to you." Yvonne said and looked up at the ceiling to avoid my eyes. 

"On whose orders?"

"The lady herself."

My forehead creased...

Why would Accorsa want to hide that from me?

"I will give you some tarts and muffins in exchange for the information." I negotiated a fair price but Yvonne wasn't buying it.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, My Lady, but this information is too classified to be bought with a few tarts and muffins."

Mariana just stared at the both of us blankly before finally speaking up, "What information is so classified? If it's about the Lady's whereabouts then that is at the Dukedom's square." Mariana shrugged innocently as she disclosed the 'classified' information. 

I turned to Yvonne, who was already staring daggers at the innocent Mariana. 

A small smirk formed on my lips but it quickly fell when I realised that I did not know why Accorsa was at the square.

"What is she doing there?"

"The knights were alarmed this morning about a beast attack, everyone was woken up but Lady Accorsa ordered the servants to let you rest." Mariana did not hesitate to spill everything she knew immediately she was asked.

"Since when?" I asked calmly.

"Uhm...yes. A few hours ago."

The calm look on my face turned to that of shock when I heard her words.

Beast attack could last for hours on a normal day but I couldn't seem to get this strange feeling off my chest.


"Yes, My Lady."

"Can you help me out?"

"How do you need my help, My Lady."

"I want to visit the square." I said while fiddling with my dress in order to get her sympathy and make her weak to my act.

"My help can't be given." Yvonne replied with such indifference that shattered all my cute acting plans. 

"Please, I'll make sure to reward you." I kept a serious face.

"At the expense of your life? No." Yvonne gave a firm reply, leaving no room for protest. 

"Please, my sister might be in danger." This time, I couldn't help but plead, the feeling of danger only grew stronger with each second that passed. I knew I had to see Accorsa at this moment or else...

"She'll be in even more danger if you suddenly appear there, My Lady. I can only politely refuse this request." Yvonne refused my persistent begging with a calm and matured voice.

"I'll give you anything, please help me see her." I pleaded strongly this time. I could not bear to waste even one more second.

Yvonne finally looked at me, her emerald eyes met my shaky golden eyes and she sighed in resignation. 

"Fine but your offer still stands and... I never helped you nor did I see you leave." Yvonne said.

I nodded in agreement and Yvonne left the room. She came back shortly with some rag clothes.

"The maids are cooking and preparing support for the people affected by the beast attack. So, everyone is busy and people from outside are in the Duchy so you wouldn't be suspected but try your best to avoid everyone... especially Irene." Yvonne said as she helped me change out of my clothes and put on a new one.

"You can leave through the gates because no one would suspect you but it would be better if you hid in the delivery wagon." Yvonne instructed when she was done helping me with the clothes.

"Thank you."

I nodded at both Yvonne and Mariana and quickly left the room. 

The walk to the gate was going smoothly until,

"Hey, stop right there."

A sharp voice called me from behind.

I did not dare to turn around since I'd be recognised by my eyes.

I hurried my footsteps and ran as fast as I could.

Just then a wagon slowly passed by me and I quickly hopped on it and hid behind the large food containers. 

The wagon was moving slowly but the person who called out to me earlier seemed to have given up.

The wagon passed the knights at the gate without any search.

I sighed in relief and peeked through the food containers. The Duchy was slowly getting farther and farther away from me.

I was finally out...
