What science cannot do?

With the beginning of me and you, what science cannot do? Can it not sustain our lives on earth? Does it ever gives a rope to hang ourselves? Science is thus a bigger hope for earth than religion! Plague - who evolved us? Science! Diarrhoea - Science helps us too! You name a mistake of nature which nature created and science didn't correct it! Magic - when last did you see religion doing magics? When last did you see science progressing with a giant leap forward?

Things don't change! We change them! Errors by human living are common! For this nature has to be blamed or science - you decide! We were created by nature to err as well! Science is today working to correct that deformity as well! For example it is normal to get thoughts which are negative. But science is working to give us a better quality of mental health. Is this not an achievement then? Or for everything wrong that happens you want to blame science without any analysis. Don't be so harsh to science! It's humans who err and we are nature's creation! We are not product of human science! Science can do everything for me and you, even correct this defect.