Happiness needs somethings

What if i win? What if I don't? Life enriches reasons! Reasons has its own status! We cannot destabilise emotions and turn happy! We cannot culture happiness in defects! We will have to progress if happiness is all that for which we weep or slept! You cannot culture happiness in nothingness! Do you get? Being happy needs things! At least food, water, proper home, right law and order. The list is long.

You mean how Buddha was happy? Yes! A good question! But Buddha had food and security. What if Mughals ruled the world then?

Closing your eyes you find peace! Wow! Great! I also practice this! But how long will that peace last? The very next moment I am hungry too and need a proper meal. Then how do you say you need nothing to be happy? Every human has his or her needs. Don't we really know of this? Then what are we after! Does it even exists? Happiness with nothing! It makes me laugh that a human body would need nothing to lead a happy life! No responsibility. Zero things! What if weather turns pretty cold due to global warming? Ha! Do we really not need science to provide us these simple things today? And also our more complicated needs? Then who says happiness needs nothing. Happiness I would say isn't cheap! Happiness needs somethings.