Chapter 8: The Perfect Weapon

Their plan worked very well and the soldier rounded up his colleagues. At first, the veterans were nervous about the mission. More so, they worried about how they could do it without their jobs back. With John as the Minister for Internal Security, this was nothing they needed to worry about. He had organized everything and got them back on payroll. Besides the Chosen and these soldiers, only the president knew about this whole mission.

Since it was top secret and off the record, the government could not pay them directly. Their pay was to come from the Chosen’s account. Having cleared the tension in the room, they were all on the same page. It was time to plan on how these soldiers would eliminate these giants. Sacrificing these traitors for sake of the country was worth it. So, the answer was simple, they had to die. What was not easy was how they were to die without raising eyebrows. The Chosen never wanted to attract attention to these soldiers or themselves.

In the end, they had the answer and the best people for the job. The kingpins had to die of accidents and natural causes. This is all they needed tell these soldiers. The question of how, when, where and who to start was theirs to decide. They were trained for such kind of things. Anything above this was for the Chosen to ensure their pay was on time or they could be next on the Perfect Weapon’s list.

For sure, the Chosen had gotten themselves The Perfect Weapon. Two days later, one of the businessmen on the front page had died of a grisly road accident. No matter how hard the investigations were done, the results remained the same. A few weeks later, one of the officials got a heart attack as he was addressing a gathering. As usual, investigations were done but led to just that. He got a heart attack.

The Perfect Weapon was the perfect choice and indeed, they were good at what they did. As this happened, the Chosen was still on the goose chase fooling the moles. The Chosen could tell they knew nothing about The Perfect Weapon but, somehow, the drug situation got better by the day. The deaths from overdoses and petty crimes reduced to a point of zero.

Not even the media could relate the work to a squad such as the Perfect Weapon, it never existed. The Chosen and their agents were still at the merry go round chasing the wild goose. The people of Credonia believed the police was behind the improved situation, which was the Chosen’s goal after all. It was not long after and the goose chase was called off. Credonia was clean and clear of drugs. Of course not completely but, the numbers had dropped enough for stability.

The drug war was over but the Perfect Weapon had to continue their mission. A few weeks later, another from the list of giants was down. This went on and on until they were all on the ground. It was a job well done. Throughout this time, the Chosen had not held another meeting. They could not risk it. Since the list was done with, it was time for the Chosen to return to their normal routine. As it turned out, they were wrong again. They got information from John that the Perfect Weapon was not done. They had another mission they had to carry out. For this reason, the Chosen had to maintain the low profile.

It was this time that Joe’s services as the money mint were required. This was the next information Joe got from John. The so-called Holy Spirit was busy funding another project. Joe was tasked with paying the perfect weapon until further notice. For the price of a better Country, who would not do it? Joe got down to work in search of the Perfect Weapon’s salary. I can tell you that from this point on, all the Chosen did was carryout their tasks from wherever they were.

They never found themselves meeting again for whatever reason. That is how much the Chosen had grown. After all, they had the Perfect Weapon and the president by their side. With them, the Chosen was unstoppable. Some members of the Chosen did not even need to know the reasons for the missions they gave to the Perfect Weapon. They always knew that anyone who appeared in their radar deserved a visit from the Perfect Weapon proceeded by a tour to hell.

They enjoyed their success until one fateful day. They woke up to very bad news. The news that Judas, one of the Chosen had died. He and a few members of his team had crushed in a helicopter. They were headed for a fund raising at the Northern District. A few minutes into the sky after their departure, the pilot noted some problems with the chopper. He tried to seek ground assistance but to no avail. Some few more minutes later, the problem grew to engine malfunctions.

Having no other solution at hand, it meant only one thing. He had to try his best to land it soonest possible. Their fate had already been sealed. Before trying these maneuvers, the situation got worse. The copter lost engine power. The rotating blades were the only thing keeping the huge iron-box from plummeting to the ground. The pilot tried his best to crush land it but he ran out of luck. They crushed without the slimmest chance of survival.

A while later, emergency services as well as the media were at the scene. That is how they got the bad news that Judas was gone. This was a knife to the heart for any member of the Chosen. It was also a source of fear for each of them. At a personal level, Joe did not take the news very well. It took him a while to come to terms with the fact the Judas was no more.

They prepared everything to honor their friend and give him a perfect sendoff that he deserved. They also took care of everything for the crewmembers that had perished with him. During his burial, there was wailing at every corner of the compound. Besides Joe, Judas, Matthew and Thomas were the other young Cabinet members within the Chosen Twelve.

The four also happened to be the newest in politics and the shortest serving Cabinet Ministers in the lot they had at the time. To them, losing him like that was like losing a brother. He was gone and gone forever. Nothing they could do besides burying him and going back to building the Nation. After preparations to leave for their various destinations, Joe walked straight to his car with his bodyguards around him as usual.

Judas was well respected and loved by his people and the Country as a whole. He was also a crucial member among the Chosen and among those Joe mentored most. He did everything within his power to ensure that his people got the best of everything. It was for this reason that his home compound was flooded with people. For this reason, it took more time for Joe to walk to his car. The men in black monkey suits around him had a task of moving people to clear the way. It was on this day and time that Joe met the Journalist.