His name is Joe Mzalendo. His country is Credonia, a third-world country. Born and raised here, Joe loved his country just like every other patriotic citizen. As he grew up, all he ever wanted was a good degree and a good job within the government. All that he looked forward to so that he could help others and see to it that things went the right way. He had a dream of transforming his country through fighting and nipping Corruption by the roots. He thought getting in was the right move and the only way to make a change. In the end, he was all wrong. He found himself imprisoned by powers he couldn't control and forces he could not break. Without options, he just watched people suffer as he did nothing. It was a stab through his heart. He had to live with the knife through his heart and in pain. It was either that and try to help those he could or, die! He not only walked with death but saw it most of the time. It was then that he learned; some things are better done from a distance. He learnt never to put out a conflagration from inside a blazing house.